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Jason Hawk’s Double Tragedy: First Tornado, now this.

Jason Hawk, renowned for his rugged lifestyle and skills showcased on the popular reality series “Mountain Men,” has always captivated audiences with his resourcefulness and connection to nature. Living off the land in the Ozark Mountains, Jason’s expertise in primitive survival and blade crafting has made him a beloved figure. However, his journey has been fraught with unexpected and heart-wrenching challenges that continue to test his resilience.

Departure from “Mountain Men” Due to Cancer

In a heartbreaking turn of events, Jason was forced to step away from “Mountain Men” to focus on his battle with cancer. His departure left fans devastated, yet his determination to fight and overcome the illness became a source of inspiration. Jason’s cancer battle has been a testament to his enduring spirit and unyielding resolve, as he continues to face each day with strength and hope.

Despite the immense physical and emotional toll, Jason has shown incredible fortitude in his fight against cancer. His journey through treatment and recovery has been nothing short of remarkable, highlighting his unwavering courage and the support of his loving family. Surviving cancer has not only transformed his life but also deepened his appreciation for the community that rallied around him during his toughest times.

Due to getting fired from mountain men and having low income sources, Hawk couple had a limited option for paying for cancer treatment, so, his wife Mary Hawk started a gofundme page. Their fans and family donated almost $45,000 that helped them go though the treatment and pay medical bills.

What is Jason Hawk doing these days after Mountain Men?

Today, Jason channels his passion and skills into knifemaking, creating handcrafted blades that reflect his deep connection to traditional craftsmanship. He sells his unique creations through his Facebook page and his own website, where fans and collectors can purchase a piece of his artistry. Despite the setbacks and ongoing challenges, Jason continues to thrive in his craft, embodying the resilience and ingenuity that first endeared him to “Mountain Men” viewers.

Jason Hawk Shares Tornado Aftermath and Community Resilience in Heartfelt Instagram Update

Jason Hawk  recently updated his followers on Instagram about the severe tornado that struck his area. In his post, Jason recounted a harrowing night on the mountain, expressing relief that his family is safe despite the extensive damage caused by the tornado.

He shared,

“Bad night on the mountain, tornados hit the area pretty good. Family is all good and I am thankful. But a lot of damage.”

Fans quickly flooded the comments with messages of concern and support. One fan expressed their sorrow and desire to help, writing,

“Jason, I’m sorry to see this happened. I wish I could help but I’m a long way from Arkansas.”

Jason’s response highlighted the strong sense of community in his area:

“I appreciate it, buddy. I have been splitting my time between my cleanup and neighbors. Everyone round here helps each other out. Usually locals are out clearing roads and lines hours before the officials.”

Jason’s words underscore the resilience and camaraderie among his neighbors, who come together to tackle the aftermath of such disasters. Despite the challenges, the spirit of mutual support remains strong in their community.

In a subsequent video post, Jason showed himself and his daughter Mae surveying the extensive damage behind their shop.

He wrote,

“Mae and I exploring just how far the damage was behind the shop. We could see at least a mile-long trail coming out of the canyon. We are both exhausted from yesterday’s cleanup. Total cleanup will take months. It is amazing how you can actually track where it touched down, lifted, and the path the twister took.”

The video sparked further concern from fans, one of whom commented,

“Oh no! Wow, I am so sorry, bud, but I’m glad you and your family are alright. We’ll say a prayer for all of you here. Man, I was working my ass off in a Cat 988H and stopped to take a break and chug some Gatorade. This came as a shock and I’m not even there.”

Jason replied,

“That is just a small part, bud. Lost one building, shingles and the like. But the forestry damage is vast. My neighbor has 350 acres of downed fences and trees to be removed before we can refence.”

Jason’s updates and the community’s response highlight the significant impact of the tornado and the extensive efforts required for recovery. Despite the daunting task ahead, the community’s solidarity and support provide a strong foundation for rebuilding.


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A post shared by Jason Hawk (@outlawforgeworks)

Jason Hawk’s misfortunate didn’t end there.

Recently, Jason Hawk, a star of “Mountain Men,” took to Instagram to share some disheartening news following the devastation of a tornado that caused extensive damage, the cleanup of which will take months.

In his post, Jason explained that, just as they were beginning to deal with the aftermath of the tornado, they encountered a new challenge.

Due to a miscommunication with a foreign service representative, their website was permanently deleted. Despite spending hours on the phone trying to resolve the issue, it became clear that there was no way to recover the lost site.

Fortunately, Jason has a friend who is a web designer, and they are working diligently to restore the website. For now, they will launch a bare-bones version of the site while they continue to develop a new, more comprehensive one.

In an effort to bounce back and support their community, Jason announced that they will be holding a major sale once the new website is operational. He promised to keep everyone updated on their progress and the details of the upcoming sale.


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A post shared by Jason Hawk (@outlawforgeworks)

Fake Obituary Fuels Rumors of Jason Hawk’s Death

In a bizarre and unsettling twist, rumors of Jason Hawk’s death began circulating after an obituary for a man with the same name surfaced online. Fans of “Mountain Men” were quick to assume the worst, connecting the obituary to their beloved survivalist. The fact that Jason had publicly battled cancer only served to lend credence to these false claims, leading many to believe that he had succumbed to the illness.

The situation escalated rapidly, with social media and fan forums buzzing with condolences and tributes. Concerned followers, confused and heartbroken, mourned the loss of the resilient and skilled outdoorsman they had come to admire. The misinformation spread so widely that it reached Jason himself, prompting him to take immediate action to set the record straight.

Jason addressed the rumors head-on by releasing a statement on his Facebook page, reassuring his fans and supporters that he was very much alive. In his post, he clarified the misunderstanding and expressed gratitude for the outpouring of concern, while emphasizing that the obituary in question did not pertain to him. Jason’s candid response helped to dispel the rumors and provided much-needed relief to his worried followers, reaffirming his presence and ongoing recovery from cancer.

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