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Gold Rush Zack Sheets Parents, Age, Net Worth, Girlfriend and Wiki Bio 2022

Zack Sheets has appeared in the television series Gold Rush: White Water. He is an American reality television show personality. The show follows Dakota Fred and his sons searching for their fortune. Sheets recently made his debut on the show during its first season. The television series is narrated by Paul Christie and has achieved considerable viewership in America. Its first episode was released on the 19th of January 2018.

Who are Zack Sheet’s parents?

Zack Sheets is the stepson of Fred Hurt. In July, back in 2016, Fred married Zack’s mother, Jennifer. He is a prominent member of the Dakota Boys.

This came after the death of Fred’s first wife, who had succumbed to illness. Before Jennifer and Fred got together, she already had a son,  Zack Sheets.

Zack is, therefore, stepbrother to Dustin Hurt, the eldest son of Fred Hurt from his first marriage. The birth father of Zack Sheets remains unknown as his mother, Jenifer, has never shared any information about him or his whereabouts.

Zack Sheets’s stepbrother Dustin Hurt and stepfather Fred Hurt

Net Worth

Zack Sheets’ net worth is estimated to be roughly about $100,000. There is scarcely any information regarding the salary he makes from the show. However, some sources claim that he takes home around $10,000 for every episode of Gold Rush.

His salary is quite diminished when you contrast it with other show members. However, Zack’s bank account will surely increase as he star on more episodes.

Any Girlfriend?

Well, little information is known by now about Zack Sheets. This includes his love life, which he is not exactly forthcoming about. As such, no one knows whether he is dating or not. However, being a young actor, we can safely assume that Zach Sheets isn’t married yet.

There could be someone special in his life, though. It is only a matter of time before he is fully initiated into the celebrity world. Check back right here as we wait to find out what beautiful woman ends up on Sheet’s arm.

Wiki bio, age

As mentioned earlier, little is known about Zack Sheets. However, some credible sources put him in his mid to late 20s. This would suggest that he was born sometime in the 90s.

Moreover, an article he was featured in additionally described him as a millennial. This further hints at his youth. Other than that, the report also mentions that Zack is also quite proficient in operating heavy machinery.


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