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Here’s how Tarek El Moussa Broke his Hand. Here’s what happened

Esteemed HGTV veteran Tarek El Moussa finds himself acclimating to a new routine donning a cast and sling, a result of a rather unfortunate tumble. The incident came to light on September 28, 2023, when El Moussa candidly disclosed his injury via a social media video, expertly filmed by his spouse and co-star from “The Flipping El Moussas,” Heather El Moussa. The duo was en route to New York to participate in a marketing conference.

Tarek, in his video update, artfully juxtaposed the contrasting facets of his week. It commenced with vigorous gym footage depicting him engaged in weightlifting, brimming with vitality. However, the week concluded with a more subdued image of him strolling through the airport, his arm snugly cradled in a supportive sling.

“I woke up Monday morning feeling SO motivated and at the peak of my fitness game,” he wrote, “and then 10 hours later life humbled my a** real quick. 🤣 But a broken arm can’t stop me!”

Here’s how Tarek El Moussa Broke his Hand

Tarek’s post was inundated with a deluge of well-wishes and inquiries concerning the circumstances of his mishap. The luminary in real estate and home flipping, renowned for his tenure alongside ex-wife Christina Hall on the enduring series “Flip or Flop,” graciously engaged with numerous fans seeking details about the accident.

In response to a curious individual probing the nature of the incident, Tarek quipped, “I stumbled, took an awkward tumble, and had an unfortunate landing. I’m currently crafting a more exciting narrative for it 🤣.”

When another inquirer sought clarification on the specifics of the mishap, Tarek reiterated with a touch of humor, “A rather undignified trip and fall, landing squarely on my arm. Definitely not my shining moment 😆.”

A perceptive follower empathized with the inconvenience of navigating life with a dominant right hand now compromised, to which Tarek candidly acknowledged, “Indeed, you hit the nail on the head! Naturally, it had to be my right arm 🤦‍♂️.”

In response to another comment, someone asked, “How did you earn ‘The Humbling’ experience?”

Tarek humorously quipped, “You know what? I’ve been pondering that very question myself 😂.”

In spite of their injuries, the El Moussas remained steadfast in their commitment to journey from California to New York for the ZetaLive ’23 conference. This event, orchestrated by their close friend and ZetaGlobal founder David Steinberg, showcased an impressive roster of celebrity entrepreneurs, including actor Seth Rogen, mindfulness luminary Deepak Chopra, and Olympic Gold medalist soccer player Brandi Chastain.

Tarek’s recent injury, a broken arm, closely follows the announcement of his forthcoming book on resilience, titled “Flip Your Life: How to Find Opportunity in Distress — in Real Estate, Business and Life,” set to hit the shelves in February 2024 and already available for pre-order. This book is a deeply personal account of his journey, chronicling numerous challenges, including his battle with testicular and thyroid cancer and his struggle with addiction to steroids, as reported by People. In a heartfelt Instagram post on September 21, Tarek shared his dedication to this project, stating, “I’ve dedicated the past 7 years to writing this book, and it’s profoundly personal to me. I lay bare my entire journey, encompassing the hardships such as battles with cancer, divorce, addiction, business setbacks, and more. I poured my heart and soul into this book, embracing vulnerability, and I hope you find as much enjoyment in reading it as I did in writing it.”

Despite the various peaks and valleys he has faced in his life, Tarek reassured his social media followers that his broken arm would not hinder his determination. One admirer marveled at his unwavering resolve, citing his endurance through trials like cancer, spinal surgery, and a public divorce, and remarked that he continually bounces back. Tarek responded with three flexed biceps emojis. When another fan expressed concern about his workout routine, the father of three replied confidently, “It won’t impede me 🙌.”

The El Moussas are currently immersed in filming the second season of “The Flipping El Moussas,” slated to premiere on HGTV in early 2024


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