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Agnes Hailstone: Net Worth, Life Story, Age & Untold Secrets Revealed

Agnes Hailstone from 'Life Below Zero'

Agnes Hailstone is a prominent figure on the National Geographic Channel’s hit series, Life Below Zero. Alongside her husband, Chip Hailstone, Agnes showcases the rugged lifestyle of surviving in Alaska’s harsh wilderness. The couple engages in various survival activities that include hunting and gathering essential resources. Chip, who has honed his skills over more than two decades, often relies on his trusty 12-gauge .22 caliber rifle and a traditional bow and arrow for hunting. On occasion, he even resorts to using his bare hands to secure food. For Chip, this way of life is not just about survival; it’s deeply ingrained in who he is. Together with Agnes, they navigate the challenges of living off the land in one of the most unforgiving environments on Earth.

!Agnes Hailstone hunting for food
Source: National Geographic Channel

Agnes Hailstone’s Net Worth and Income Sources

Since joining Life Below Zero, Agnes Hailstone has gained significant recognition and built a loyal fan base. Her estimated net worth stands at approximately $100,000—a sum primarily earned through her participation in the reality show. Despite her growing fame, Agnes remains private about many aspects of her personal life outside of what viewers see on television. While it’s clear that Life Below Zero serves as her main source of income, there are no other publicly known ventures contributing to her financial standing.

Details About Agnes Hailstone’s First Marriage

Before marrying Chip Hailstone, Agnes was involved in another serious relationship during her younger years which eventually led to marriage. However, like many young couples who marry early on in life, their relationship began to deteriorate over time leading to its eventual end. Although she hasn’t shared much about this chapter of her life publicly or revealed details about her first husband’s identity or their marriage dynamics—what is known is that they had a son together named Douglas J Carter.

Married Life with Chip Hailstone

Currently married to Edward V “Chip” Hailstone—who also stars alongside her on Life Below Zero—Agnes shares a fulfilling family life with him despite Alaska’s challenging conditions. Born in 1969 (making him 48 years old), Chip prefers going by his nickname rather than his full name Edward V but remains an integral part both within their household as well as within their community due largely because he shares five children with Agnes: four daughters named Tinmiaq Mary Iriqtaq Quatan Caroline plus one son Jon—all while raising Douglas from previous marriage under same roof too!

!Happily Married Life: ‘Life Below Zero’ stars Chip & wife
Source: National Geographic Channel

Wiki Bio & Age Information

Born June 14th back year ’71 Noorvik region located deep inside Alaskan territory where she still resides today alongside family members mentioned earlier above! At present time (as per year ’17), age clocks around mid-forties mark specifically being exactly forty-five years old now coincidentally sharing birthdate infamous Hurricane “Agnes” which wreaked havoc across United States during same period history books remember vividly till date!

32 thoughts on “Agnes Hailstone: Net Worth, Life Story, Age & Untold Secrets Revealed”

  1. One question….do these people ever bathe, brush their teeth or use deodorant? I can smell them thru the screen! Cleanliness is not impossible even in Alaska! Just seems they enjoy the filth! I really cannot watch this show anymore. I have never seen anyone of them ever wash their filthy hands! No excuse for filth!!!!

    1. Wow, I am impressed with the amount of ignorance in that statement. First and foremost I am sure they do not want to bathe in front of the camera. Secondly, you assume alot. There isnt dental services as readily available the way we have them in the lower 48. They live in a town of less than 700 people. The cost of going to seek dental care would reqire a bush plane at $500 per hour, plus cost of the dentist. Most of there fincial things are done on barter, so cash for those things just isnt avalible(side note their water bill is $160 a month). Also something you may not know, if you eat a clean diet (no process foods) the need for deodorant diminishes greatly, so unless you have a smellavision you can not just assume they do not use deodorant, that they smell bad. My grandfather always said “When you assume anything your the first three letters of the word” Just because they are diffrent than you or dont make the same choices you do doesnt make them wrong, but assumeing so much about persons sure make you the first three letters. Pampas ignorant individuals like yourself disgust me alot worse than someone who didnt bathe for 2 or 3 years.

    2. Go watch the Kardashians then… Apparently you like your shit to smell like perfume!
      These peaple are as real as it gets, this is by far, what any family should strive to be like. You can barely find a family that big down here that lives together the way they do, or treat their neighbors the way they treat their neighbors. The The only filthy thing here is the comment you made and your soul!

  2. its amazing that not 80 years ago we were still hunting and fishing for our food. How out of touch people have become because of WalMart…

  3. This family is the greatest. Hunting together, building everything with their own hands. It takes some smarts to live a subsistence lifestyle with little dependence on cash. And Skill! Respect to them. They are living clean my friends, and an honest life. Im sure they feel incredibly good accomplishing all they do everyday…I wish them the best!

  4. Of everyone on the show the Hailstones are my favorite for many reasons. They seem to love each other very much, enjoy their lives and I love the way they teach their children. They do what they do as a family!! I would personally love to see more of that in this world!!

  5. I agree. It’s a delight to see them live as they do and with a clean mouth. It really hurt to see Chip put away in jail for they truly need him and he them. Hopefully he can regain his position as family leader as well as dad and husband. Does anyone know when he might be released? I like all who appear on LIFE BELOW ZERO. May the LORD continue to bless them.

  6. To be honest I would trade being clean for a life like that any day. No job living off the land basically just like it used to be.

  7. I love this show, but l think l missed some along the way. I didn’t know about Chip going to jail. What did he do. I guess l have to go back and che k what l missed.

  8. I’ve told my brother if something should ever happen to me and my significant other I would be living off the grid, I absolutely love this show and it would be a blessing to be that close to nature and away from all the corruption here in the lower 48. I think to have that kind of happiest would also bring you closer to God. I think they are all amazing people.. God bless them all.

  9. Bloodthirsty lot the hailstones….at least when sue aikens or Glenn Villeneuve do kill, they do it with respect, unlike the hailstones who kill far too much for my liking.WHY should Sue leave the show?…if anything it should be the hailstones who should go, they feature far too often for me. As for them being the stars of the show…like HELL they are!l

  10. I love the show. Really miss Kate it’s not the same without her. I wish they show more of Erik and his new wife. Question does Chip and Agnes kids get any education or do they think you don’t need it? It would be a challenge if any of their children decide to leave and interact with the REAL world

    1. Chip said they asked the kids if they wanted to learn their way of life and they said yes. The state requires that they teach them how to live and respect the land and be able to survive and support themselves.

  11. @Anna The Hailstones aren’t blood thirsty! They have 5 children and themselves! (Not counting the older son) They need a way of getting the things they need, trade and barter is the way it works there. It takes one caribou to feed Sue or Glen for a month. That should tell you it’s going to take them 7 times MORE to feed their family for a month.

  12. I noticed sue Aiken’s wears the same dirty yellow pants over and over again with all her money can’t she buy a few pairs and wash them once in a while?

  13. I love the show, the Hillstone’s not only feed their family with the subsistence living but they take care of Agnes‘s family who are a lot older and they help out the elders and their community as well. Very tightknit family takes care of the elders in my opinion that’s amazing in today’s world. I read yesterday that The government gives people an Alaska money to live there. Everything is so expensive In Alaska. 45 miles from them is one of the largest cities in Alaska. So they’re not completely without any civilization. Agnes follows her tradition when it comes to the animal she hunts, like giving the Seal his last drink of water,They cut the throat of the animals to release the spirit. Takes a lot of strength and ambition to live a subsistence lifestyle only wish I could do it.

  14. Eddie B.
    .The Hailstone kids are a breath of fresh air, you don’t seem them with ‘zombie iphones’ stuck in front of their faces, glued to Facebook, they are well adjusted useful kids, a credit to their parents.

  15. @Barbara mcintosh Maybe Sue likes those yellow pants and has several pairs because of that. I have some dark grey shorts that I love, so I bought six other pairs. There is nothing wrong with wearing what one likes to wear everyday if you want to, even if it’s the same color pants! Besides, I highly doubt Sue Aikens cares about fashion where she lives anyway, or what other people think about her wearing the same pair of pants everyday if that’s what she’s doing! It’s people that think like you, that make it difficult for people like Sue to live in town. Gosh, instead of focusing on what others wear, try to focus on yourself and changing your habit of judging others. Try instead, to seek becoming a positive thinking, non-judgmental person.

  16. I love this show.I do not care about dirty hands or if they smell. I am sure most people who watch would love to try to live the below zero life. It is a great escape from lower 48 stress.

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