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Erin Napier shuts down internet haters, who called her “Defensive”. Here is what happened.

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Image of Ben and Erin Napier with their daughter

Erin Napier is standing her ground and embarking on an exciting new project! The 37-year-old HGTV star recently shared a video on Instagram, hinting at a campaign she has been working on and inviting parents who keep their children away from social media to join her. Erin, a proud mom to her two lovely daughters Mae and Helen with her husband Ben, is passionate about this initiative. Read more as we will discuss this further

Real reason why Erin Napier wants their daughters to stay away from social media

The HGTV star, Erin has been consistently vocal about the potential harmful effects of social media. During an interview with her husband, Ben and TODAY, she openly discussed why her own children are not allowed to have social media accounts until they reach an appropriate age.

Erin and her husband shared that it is their “personal policy” to protect their daughters, Mae and Helen, by prohibiting them from accessing social media until they have completed high school. The HGTV couple believe that by waiting until their children are older and more mature, they will be able to comprehend the true nature and potential dangers of social media.

Image of Ben and Erin Napier with kid

When it comes to their own social media presence, Erin explained that they purposefully keep their daughters out of the spotlight. They aim to “build a hedge of protection” around them until they have developed the strength to fight the challenges that come with being in the public eye.

Ben, Erin’s husband, added his perspective on the matter by sharing his own experience. He expressed that he wouldn’t want his parents to have shared videos and photos of him when he was younger. Reflecting on his past, he asked viewers and fans to imagine if moments from their own lives were publicly broadcasted before they had gained the understanding and wisdom that comes with maturity.

In addition to Erin’s cautious approach to her children’s exposure to social media, the HGTV star has also taken a firm stance against online trolls. When faced with negativity and bullying on her own social media accounts, she has actively shut down such behavior and even disabled comments when she felt that the atmosphere was becoming too negative.

She Shutdown One User!

In the video, Erin begins by saying that she is up with something. She goes on to reveal that she is currently seeking parents who maintain a social media-free environment for their kids throughout high school and junior high.

While many of her followers expressed support and encouragement in the comments, others raised valid concerns and questioned the feasibility of her idea. One user, in particular, raised an important point, asking, What will happen after high school if they haven’t learned how to use it responsibly before they leave home?

They followed that by saying that it makes sense before they become teenagers, but the user thinks it gets more complicated after that. The HGTV star, determined to address this concern, directly responded to the comment and posed a thought-provoking question in return.

She asked the user what will happen if the kids encounter alcohol? Erin followed it by saying to the user that hopefully, they taught their kids how to use alcohol correctly.

The Debate didn’t end there and the user says Erin is “Defensive”

The discussion took a heated turn as the user replied, noting that social media isn’t illegal for individuals under 21, implying that Erin was overly “defensive” about the topic. The HGTV star firmly defended her stance, and replied to the user.

She expressed her belief that social media should be available to emotionally mature adults capable of handling its implications, much like driving a car or purchasing alcohol. She saw this as a reasonable comparison, inviting others to consider the parallels.

Image of Ben Napier and Erin Napier

Another user chimed in, criticizing the HGTV star’s comparison between social media and alcohol, deeming it “ridiculous.” However, Erin didn’t waver in her position.

She stood her ground and cited scientific studies that demonstrate the effects of social media on children. Encouraging further exploration, she suggested the user conduct a simple Google search to gain insights into the topic.

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