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Alaskan Bush People fake or real? Here’s the truth.

Alaskan Bush People fake or real

Alaskan Bush People airing on The Discovery Channel is a reality TV show about the Brown’s family who’s living life below zero in the Alaskan wilderness. The Brown Family is living a life far away from civilization. They built their home, Browntown, after it was burnt down by the authority independently. They also developed their own dialect and accent. Rumor has it that TV Show is fake. Whether the show is fake or real, we are just about to find out right away.

The Burnt Cabin lie

Billy Brown boldly claimed that the government burnt down a shelter they’d built because it was located on a government property. Billy took back his words almost immediately maybe for fear of being asked to provide evidence which he cannot prove. But, why did he make such claim?

The family has a functioning website before the show

The Browns run a website to market Billy’s books. Billy says the website was created by Bam who got the skill during their tours. If Bam could professionally design a website, then it means he’s very much familiar with the modern technology. Try harder, Billy.

Billy was born rich

Billy was not born in Alaska as he claimed. He was not born poor either as he admitted he had it all from clothes, expensive toys, and a caring family. Unfortunately, he lost his parents to a plane crash and had to do odd jobs in order to survive.

Ami Brown was a child bride

Reports Online says Ami was 15 years old when she got married to Billy in 1979. Billy was only 26, with an age difference of 11 years. This is illegal in most states today.

They look richer than they look

We are made to believe they grew up in the wild and should look like Bush people. Alas!!! , what am seeing are fresh looking folks. They look financially okay if you look closely. The fact remains that most reality TV families are compensated for their appearance on camera. Secondly, who paid for Billy and Bam Brown fine and stay in Hawaii? Because they were able to afford their fine and stay that accumulated to thousands of dollars. The question now came up how a supposedly Bush people can afford such amount without stress. Looks fake right?

Billy Bryan Brown as a writer

Billy Bryan Brown has some publication to his name, drawing inspiration of the show from one his book “One Wave at a Time”. That’s commendable for someone who has never used gadgets like computer, typewriter, or the internet. This smells quite fishy.

The kid’s efficient use of technology

Sometimes in 2008, Gabe Brown uploaded a YouTube video about his life where he talked about his father’s book tour and a likely movie deal from his book “One Wave at a Time”. Gabe says it’s the first outing in the city and promised to share videos of the tour. This is quite confusing for someone who supposedly does not have access to modern technology and at the same time operate it efficiently. He also ended giving shout out to his favorite celebrities. Really, celebrities he met in the bush or what. Please, tell me another lie.

The Brown parents may have to leave the bush

Couple with their age and proper attention to their health, they may have to leave the bush to get the required care needed. Ami Brown suffers from advanced lung cancer and Billy Bryan Brown is struggling with seizures.In that regard, Billy may have to stop pretending to live like naïve Bush people and spend more in the hospital.

They are likely fraudsters

Alaskan Bush People portrays an image of God-fearing people and simple lifestyle oozing around the family. This belief was crushed when the Browns were slammed with a massive fraud scandal. It happened that the self-proclaimed naïve “Bush” people spent a couple years outside of Alaska and forged the information on their Permanent Dividend Fund applications to suit the show. This led to their being sentenced to 30 days in jail.

They once lived in Haines as claimed by Bagayas

Ex- girlfriend of Matt Brown, Bagayas claimed she dated him while in Haines. During their teenage years, she said Matt and his family lived in Haines. Therefore, she wants to know why they are pretending to be barbarians living in the bush. Haines is a small city but a major tourist destination with the highest number of bald eagles in the world. Therefore, Haines is not in the wild. Bring it on, Bagayas.

The Browns might have lived a modern lifestyle

Rumor has it that the Browns don’t live in “Browntown” while off the camera. Report online says Jay Erickson and Becky Hunnicutt, neighbors to the Browns, claimed they are seen often going and coming from the Icy Strait Lodge at all hours.” This might be true as the producers and crew members of the show stay in the lodge. To further back this claim, Barbie Phillips, the Facebook group Admin for the “Alaskan Bush People” group is the manager of the lodge

Fireworks or Gunshots?

An incident happened during the first season of the Alaskan Bush, where gunshots were fired at the Browns by a neighbor, Jason Hoke, an economic development director. He stated that the noise coming from the scene of the show is killing and that made him fire two or more fireworks into the air. He was later charged with $500 fine. We are made to understand the show was filmed deep in an isolated Alaska bush but the incident with Jason Hoke stated otherwise as the show erased any form of modern civilization and went as far to appreciate Egyptian technology.

Noah Brown’s date with Karynna Kauffman

The awkward appearance of Karynna Kauffman as Noah’s date seems kind of odd. She is a former contestant of Miss California in 2012 and an actress. Noah claimed they met during one of the tours. Noah shocked everyone when he announced his new found love. Questions keep popping up whether the whole scenario was real or staged. So much for a Bush guy to have wooed an actress and she accepted just like that.

Billy Brown’s hidden past

Billy Brown has two children from his previous marriage and claimed he lost contact with them for more than 30 years. It was revealed that he actually contacted her prior to the show for her to suddenly appear on the show feigning reunion. Billy was already crucified for abandoning his two children not knowing they were very much in contact. Billy why!!!

Billy Brown’s relationship with in-law is complicated

Ami Brown’s brother Les Branson claimed that Billy kept Ami away from her family for more than 35 years and made her an accomplice to his crimes. This accusation cannot be refuted as it was clearly observed that Billy tried to her hidden from the public and her family prior to the show. Ami’s estranged family also tried to check on her by sending a state trooper, she was clearly upset.

Bam’s hook up with a crew member

Bam made known his ambition to take a leave in order to search for his missing rib. No sooner had he left and he’d already found someone. Well as he refused to reveal her identity, she was later seen online and was no other person than a crew member, Allison Kagan, the show producer. She was reportedly seen with Bam in New York City in July of 2016. In August 2016, Bam was seen wearing a wedding band and this further deepens the mystery. Did he get married secretly?

Conclusion: So is Alaskan Bush People Fake or real?

We can draw the conclusion that the Alaskan Bush People has too many lies surrounding their cooked up lifestyle. So some part of the story might be true as it appears, but we highly doubt that the Alaskan Bush People Show is real. There are many instances that really makes us doubt if it’s 100% real.

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