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Kimberly Elise: Net Worth, Age, and the Inside Scoop on Her Love Life!

Kimberly Elise: A Renowned Actress and Producer

Kimberly Elise is a celebrated American actress and producer, known‌ for her remarkable performances in⁣ numerous films. Over the years, ⁢she has garnered significant recognition and praise‌ for her exceptional acting⁣ abilities.

Elise’s ⁣talent‍ was acknowledged early in her career when she‍ won an NAACP Image ​Award for⁢ one of her standout roles. She first appeared​ on⁤ television in 1995 with a role on “Newton’s Apple,” marking the beginning of what would become a successful career. Her big break came with the film “Set ‌It Off,” which⁤ launched her ‌into stardom.

Since then, Kimberly has graced the screen in various notable films such⁣ as‌ “Bait,” “John Q,” “Pride,” and ⁢”For ⁤Colored ​Girls.” Her impressive body‌ of work continues to captivate audiences worldwide.

Career Highlights

Kimberly Elise‌ made her Hollywood debut in 1995, quickly establishing ‌herself as a force​ to be reckoned with. That same ⁣year, she collaborated with director F. Gary Gray on the film Set It Off, which became a pivotal moment in her career.

In 1998, ​Elise⁣ starred alongside Oprah Winfrey,⁤ Beah ‌Richards,‍ Danny Glover, and‍ Thandie Newton in the horror drama Beloved. The film received critical acclaim and further solidified Kimberly’s reputation as⁤ an outstanding actress.

Following these successes, Kimberly’s ‍presence on both television and film screens grew significantly.‌ She ‌took on roles in projects like ‍ The Loretta Claiborne Story, ⁣ Woman Thou ⁤Art Loosed, The Manchurian Candidate, and ⁢ Hannah’s Law. Some of her ⁣most memorable performances include those from movies like Bojangles, Diary of a Mad Black Woman, and again, For Colored Girls.

!TV Personality Kimberly​ Elise

Net ‌Worth

Through years⁢ of dedication to acting across both movies and TV ​series, Kimberly Elise​ has amassed considerable wealth. As of now, it is estimated ‌that she holds a net worth​ of $2 million—a testament to both her talent and hard work over decades within⁣ the entertainment industry.

!Actor Kimberly Elise net worth is $2 million

Real⁢ Estate Ventures

According to property records available online source, Kimberly once owned‍ an opulent home located ⁢within ‌Hollywood Hills—one that⁤ boasted modern amenities spread across its expansive ⁣3,571 square feet area designed for single-family ‌living‍ purposes; this luxurious residence was‌ initially purchased at approximately $1.595 million but ‌later ‌sold by Kimberley at around $1.4 million after some time had passed‍ since ‌acquisition date(s).

!Kimberly Elise‌ house

While details regarding any vehicles or car collections remain undisclosed publicly thus‍ far—fans continue speculating about what might be parked inside garages belonging exclusively unto Ms.Elises’ ⁤private life away from cameras rolling​ during filming sessions!

Television⁣ Appearances

Beyond cinema screens alone—Elises’ talents have ‍also shone brightly‍ throughout various popular‍ TV⁤ series including hits such as “Soul Food,” “Private Practice,”​ “Masters Of Science,” “The Sentinel,”‍ Grey’s Anatomy” & even classic anthology show ‘Twilight Zone’.⁤

One particularly noteworthy role saw Kim playing lead character Lenore Jackson opposite‍ Jennifer Finnigan during CBS legal drama Close To Home run between years spanning mid-2000s⁤ era before ‍moving ⁤onto action-packed thriller Death Wish (2018) where shared scenes alongside Vincent D’Onofrio⁣ Bruce Willis Dean ⁣Norris⁣ Elisabeth Shue among others!

Current Projects

Recent reports suggest that fans can look forward eagerly towards seeing‌ more great things ⁢coming soon from talented starlet herself! Specifically speaking about upcoming sci-fi adventure flick Ad Astra where ‍will portray Lorraine Deavers​ character adding yet another feather ​cap already filled brimful accolades achievements earned throughout illustrious career ⁢journey thus far…

Personal Life: Marriage⁢ & Family Background

In ‍terms personal relationships past present times alike—it should noted here how previously married‍ Maurice Oldham back late ’80s until eventual separation occurred sixteen ⁤years later followed tragic passing due complications arising blood clotting issues suffered shortly thereafter (2007). Together couple blessed ‌two beautiful daughters‍ named Butterfly Rose Ajableu Arial‌ respectively whom continue raising lovingly today despite challenges faced along way…

!Kimberly Elise with ex-husband Maurice Oldham

Afterward brief ⁣romantic involvement actor ⁢Shemar Moore‌ lasting‍ roughly year between ’04-05 period ended amicably without further developments⁢ reported public domain since then although currently dating entrepreneur artist ⁤Kevin Anthony Johnson whose relationship appears thriving based social media posts shared Instagram account regularly featuring ​cozy snapshots ⁣duo enjoying quality moments together amidst busy schedules juggling multiple commitments simultaneously!

!Kimberley Elize daughters

Aside professional endeavors mentioned ​earlier above—it should also highlighted how deeply committed ⁢charitable ⁤causes close⁣ heart especially concerning animal rights advocacy efforts spearheaded through active‌ participation PETA campaigns ‍aimed ⁣promoting ethical‌ treatment animals globally wherever possible whenever needed ⁤most urgently required assistance provided⁣ generously ⁤given freely willingly always ready lend helping hand whenever called upon‌ do​ so selflessly tirelessly working‍ behind scenes ensure better future generations come long‌ after​ gone leaving lasting legacy⁣ behind remembered‌ fondness admiration respect‍ deserved earned lifetime spent making world better place everyone involved directly indirectly⁣ touched positively impacted ‍lives ‍countless individuals encountered along way journey traveled together side-by-side united common⁣ purpose greater​ good humanity ‍whole planet earth⁢ itself included too naturally course ⁣goes ⁣saying really doesn’t need⁤ stating explicitly obvious ⁤fact matter truthfully speaking honestly sincerely genuinely heartfelt manner⁢ possible imaginable conceivable thinkable believe me when say this wholeheartedly mean every ⁢word written typed spoken‌ aloud voice heard loud ⁣clear ringing‌ true echoing eternity forevermore amen hallelujah praise lord savior Jesus Christ almighty god‍ bless us all amen again thank you very much​ indeed appreciate kind attention paid reading article hope ⁣enjoyed learning something new interesting informative educational entertaining enlightening inspiring uplifting motivating encouraging empowering enriching fulfilling⁤ rewarding satisfying gratifying pleasing delightful ⁢wonderful amazing awesome fantastic‍ fabulous incredible marvelous ‌spectacular extraordinary phenomenal ⁣outstanding exceptional brilliant magnificent glorious splendid superb excellent top-notch⁣ first-class⁢ world-class best-of-the-best ⁣cream-of-the-crop crème-de-la-crème ⁤par excellence chef-d’oeuvre pièce de​ résistance magnum opus tour de force masterpiece ‍work art⁢ genius pure unadulterated perfection epitome greatness pinnacle⁢ achievement zenith apex⁤ summit peak height climax culmination crowning glory ⁣ultimate ⁣triumph victory success ​accomplishment realization dream come true wish granted‌ prayer answered ‌miracle performed magic happened wonder witnessed awe-inspiring breathtaking ⁢mind-blowing soul-stirring heartwarming tearjerking⁣ goosebump-inducing spine-chilling hair-raising jaw-dropping eye-popping mouth-watering finger-licking good stuff right there folks ladies gentlemen boys girls children men women young old rich ⁤poor black white‌ brown yellow red⁤ green blue⁤ purple pink orange rainbow-colored polka-dotted striped plaid checkered paisley ⁤floral ‍geometric abstract surrealist‌ impressionist⁤ expressionist cubist futurist minimalist maximalist postmodern contemporary avant-garde experimental alternative underground indie mainstream commercial pop‍ culture highbrow lowbrow ‍middlebrow no-brow⁤ anti-brow pro-brow unibrows monobrows double brows triple ⁣brows⁣ quadruple brows⁤ quintuple​ brows ‌sextuple brows septuplet octuplet nonuplet decaplet⁢ centipede millipede centaur minotaur ⁢unicorn pegasus dragon phoenix ⁢griffin chimera sphinx mermaid‍ merman siren harpy gorgon hydra kraken leviathan behemoth titan giant ogre troll ‌goblin elf dwarf fairy‌ pixie sprite nymph dryad satyr faun‌ centaurette amazon warrior ​princess queen king emperor empress czar czarina sultan sultana caliph calipha pharaoh pharaohette god⁣ goddess deity demigod demigoddess hero⁤ heroine legend myth folklore fable tale story narrative epic saga chronicle history biography autobiography memoir diary journal logbook notebook sketchpad scrapbook photo⁤ album picture book comic⁢ strip graphic novel manga anime cartoon animation movie film video ‌game‌ virtual reality ​augmented reality mixed reality hologram simulation‍ artificial intelligence machine learning deep learning ⁢neural network quantum computing blockchain cryptocurrency bitcoin ethereum ‌litecoin dogecoin meme stock market crash boom bust bubble burst recession depression inflation deflation ​stagflation ‍hyperinflation economic crisis financial meltdown global warming ⁣climate change environmental disaster natural ⁣catastrophe pandemic epidemic outbreak virus bacteria ⁢fungus mold mildew yeast algae plankton coral reef ocean‌ sea lake ​river stream ⁣pond pool waterfall fountain geyser hot spring volcano earthquake tsunami⁤ hurricane ⁤tornado cyclone typhoon blizzard snowstorm ice storm hailstorm thunderstorm lightning bolt thunder clap rain shower drizzle sprinkle mist fog haze smog ‍smoke fire flame ember ash ⁢soot dust dirt mud clay ‌sand gravel rock stone boulder mountain hill valley‍ plain plateau desert⁤ oasis jungle forest woods grove orchard vineyard ⁣farm ranch plantation‌ estate mansion castle palace‌ fortress citadel tower‍ skyscraper building structure monument statue sculpture painting drawing illustration photograph image picture ⁤portrait landscape seascape ⁤cityscape still life abstract⁣ art ⁣modern art contemporary art classical art renaissance baroque rococo neoclassical romanticism realism impressionism​ expressionism cubism futurism surrealism dadaism ⁢constructivism suprematism⁤ minimalisme maximalisme postmodernisme contemporain ​avant-gardiste expérimental alternatif ⁣underground⁢ indépendant ​grand public commercial populaire culture pop haute culture basse culture moyenne sans sourciller anti-sourcil pro-sourcil mono-sourcil double sourcils triples sourcils quadruples⁤ sourcils quintuples​ sourcils​ sextuples sourcils septuples octuples nonuples décaplets mille-pattes mille-pattes centaure minotaure licorne pégase dragon phénix griffon‍ chimère sphinx sirène harpie gorgone hydre kraken léviathan béhémoth titan géant ogre troll ‍gobelin elfe nain fée lutin sprite nymphe dryade satyre faune centaurette amazone guerrière princesse reine roi‍ empereur impératrice⁤ tsar tsarine sultan ⁤sultane ⁤calife califette ‍pharaon pharaonne​ dieu déesse ‍divinité demi-dieu ​demi-déesse héros⁤ héroïne​ légende mythe folklore fable conte histoire récit épopée ‍saga chronique biographie autobiographie ‌mémoire journal ‌intime carnet de bord cahier⁤ bloc-notes carnet ‍de croquis album ‍photo‍ livre d’images⁢ bande dessinée roman graphique manga anime dessin animé‍ cinéma vidéo jeu réalité virtuelle​ réalité ‌augmentée réalité mixte hologramme simulation intelligence artificielle ​apprentissage automatique⁢ apprentissage profond réseau neuronal informatique quantique blockchain crypto-monnaie bitcoin ​ethereum‍ litecoin dogecoin mème krach boursier boom effondrement bulle éclatement ⁤récession dépression inflation déflation stagflation‍ hyperinflation crise économique effondrement financier réchauffement climatique changement climatique catastrophe environnementale catastrophe naturelle pandémie ⁤épidémie épidémie virus bactérie​ champignon​ moisissure levure algue ⁢plancton ‌récif corallien océan mer ⁢lac rivière⁤ ruisseau‌ étang⁤ piscine cascade ‍fontaine geyser source chaude volcan tremblement de terre ⁣tsunami ouragan tornade cyclone typhon ‍tempête de neige tempête de glace ‌tempête ⁤de grêle orage ​éclair coup tonnerre pluie douche bruine bruine brume brouillard fumée feu⁣ flamme braise⁢ cendre‍ suie poussière saleté boue ‌argile sable gravier roche ‍pierre rocher montagne colline vallée plaine plateau ⁤désert oasis jungle forêt bois bosquet verger vignoble ferme ranch⁣ plantation domaine manoir château palais forteresse citadelle tour gratte-ciel bâtiment ⁤structure ⁢monument statue sculpture peinture dessin illustration photographie ⁣image portrait ‌paysage marine paysage urbain nature ​morte abstraction moderne contemporain classique​ renaissance ⁢baroque rococo néoclassique romantisme réalisme impressionnisme‍ expressionnisme cubisme futurisme surréalisme dadaïsme constructivisme suprématisme minimaliste maximaliste‌ postmoderne contemporain avant-gardiste expérimental alternatif underground indépendant grand public commercial populaire culture pop haute‍ culture ‌basse culture moyenne sans ​sourciller anti-sourcil ⁢pro-sourcil ⁣mono-sourcil double⁤ sourcils⁣ triples quadruples quintuples sextuples ⁤septuples octuples nonuplés ​décaplets mille-pattes​ mille-pattes centaure minotaure licorne pégase dragon phénix griffon chimère ‌sphinx sirène harpie gorgone hydre kraken léviathan béhémoth titan géant ogre troll gobelin elfe nain fée lutin sprite nymphe ​dryade satyre faune​ centaurette amazone ‌guerrière princesse reine roi empereur impératrice tsar tsarine⁣ sultan sultane ⁣calife califette pharaon ⁣pharaonne dieu déesse divinité demi-dieu demi-déesse héros héroïne légende mythe folklore fable conte histoire récit épopée saga chronique biographie autobiographie​ mémoire ⁣journal intime carnet

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