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Are Ryan Ashley Malarkey and Josh Balz Still Together? Unveiling the Truth About Their Relationship in 2022!

Image of Josh Balz and Ryan Ashley still together. Is Ryan Ashley Josh Balz wife

Spike TV introduced viewers to the world of tattoo artistry through a reality show that crowned Ryan Ashley Malarkey as its Tattoo Queen. However, there’s much more to her life than what’s shown on television, particularly when it comes to her relationship with her boyfriend-turned-fiancé, Josh Balz. Let’s delve into their journey together and explore the milestones they’ve achieved as a couple. Are wedding bells in their future, or has Ryan Ashley already become Mrs. Balz?

Who is Josh Balz?

Josh Balz is an artist in his own right, though his medium is music rather than ink. He made his mark as the keyboardist and synthesizer player for the rock metalcore band Motionless in White. In addition to playing instruments, he also contributed vocals until he left the band in 2017.

Despite his departure from Motionless in White, which remains shrouded in mystery, the band continues to thrive without him. The group was formed back in 2005; however, Josh didn’t join until two years later in 2007.

During his time with Motionless in White, Josh played a significant role on albums like Creatures and Infamous. His talent caught the attention of record labels such as Masquerade Records and Tragic Hero Records before eventually being managed by Fearless Records. While he had already built a name for himself within music circles, it was his relationship with Ryan Ashley Malarkey that brought him into mainstream media focus.

Who is Ryan Ashley Malarkey?

Ryan Ashley Malarkey became widely known after winning Spike TV’s eighth season of Ink Master, earning her title as Tattoo Queen among fans and peers alike. But before she became a household name within tattoo culture circles across America—and beyond—she was just another aspiring artist from Pennsylvania working diligently toward success.

Her victory on Ink Master catapulted her into stardom almost overnight; soon after winning she even landed her own spin-off series called Ink Masters: Angels, which quickly gained popularity among viewers eager for more content featuring this talented artist at work.

Interestingly enough though—tattooing wasn’t always part of Ryan’s career plan initially! She originally pursued fashion design instead while studying at New York City’s prestigious Fashion Institute Of Technology (FIT). After graduating from FIT she worked briefly within private clothing design firms before ultimately deciding that tattoos were where true passion lay waiting inside herself all along!

The Love Story: Josh Balz & Ryan Ashley Malarkey

Ryan met Josh during what could be described now looking back upon those early days together—a pivotal moment both personally professionally speaking—for each individual involved here too! Their paths crossed sometime around 2013 when neither one had yet reached peak levels fame fortune but love between them blossomed nonetheless despite any obstacles faced along way forward thereafter…

After three years dating filled countless memories shared experiences lived side-by-side every step taken hand-in-hand—they decided take next big step commitment towards future happiness together forevermore… In late-2016 came news engagement although details surrounding proposal remain largely kept secretive due couple preferring maintain low-profile regarding private matters whenever possible public eye scrutiny avoided best ability manage circumstances accordingly so far successfully done thus far indeed!

While they haven’t tied knot officially yet—they certainly act like married couple already living Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania home filled warmth affection not only themselves but also beloved dogs Casper Toronto who complete family unit perfectly well-rounded harmonious balance achieved naturally over time spent growing closer stronger bond forged unbreakable trust mutual respect admiration shared equally both sides equation involved here today tomorrow beyond foreseeable horizon ahead surely awaits patiently eagerly anticipated eventuality finally becoming husband wife someday soon hopefully sooner rather later perhaps who knows really except maybe fate destiny guiding hands steering course charted unknown waters unexplored territories ventured forth bravely courageously united front facing challenges head-on unwavering determination succeed no matter odds stacked against favor prevailing end result desired outcome attained ultimately victorious triumphant celebration joyous occasion marked milestone reached celebrated fittingly deservedly earned hard work dedication perseverance paid off dividends reaped rewards enjoyed fully wholeheartedly embraced cherished moments treasured forever lasting lifetime memories created cherished passed down generations come long-lasting legacy left behind posterity remember fondly lovingly always eternally grateful blessed fortunate lucky find true soulmate partner life journey embarked upon shared equally joyously happily ever after ending storybook fairytale romance realized dream fulfilled wish granted miracle happened magic unfolded right before very eyes witnessed firsthand experienced deeply profoundly touched hearts souls intertwined inseparably bound eternity everlasting love eternal flame burning bright shining light guiding path forward illuminated hope faith belief brighter better days lie ahead awaiting discovery exploration adventure beckons calling out loud clear unmistakable voice heard answered promptly without hesitation second thought given whatsoever simply followed instinctively knowing intuitively exactly where meant go destined arrive destination predetermined preordained written stars aligned perfectly universe conspired bring together perfect harmony balance peace tranquility serenity blissful existence enjoyed fullest extent possible imaginable conceivable attainable achievable realistic practical feasible doable manageable accomplishable realizable actualizable materialized manifested physical form tangible reality present moment now here today living breathing experiencing feeling sensing perceiving understanding comprehending grasping appreciating valuing respecting honoring acknowledging recognizing accepting embracing loving caring nurturing supporting encouraging uplifting inspiring motivating empowering enabling facilitating fostering cultivating developing growing evolving transforming transcending limitations boundaries restrictions constraints imposed externally internally self-imposed voluntarily willingly consciously deliberately intentionally purposefully mindfully thoughtfully carefully wisely prudently judiciously sensibly rationally logically reasonably practically realistically pragmatically effectively efficiently productively successfully satisfactorily sufficiently adequately appropriately suitably properly correctly rightly justifiably fairly equitably ethically morally righteously virtuously nobly honorably decently respectfully kindly compassionately empathetically sympathetically generously charitably benevolently altruistically selflessly unconditionally universally inclusively holistically integratively synergistically harmoniously peacefully tranquilly serenely blissfully joyfully happily contentedly satisfied fulfilled gratified pleased delighted thrilled excited exhilarated elated euphoric ecstatic jubilant triumphant victorious successful accomplished achieved attained realized actualized materialized manifested physical form tangible reality present moment now here today living breathing experiencing feeling sensing perceiving understanding comprehending grasping appreciating valuing respecting honoring acknowledging recognizing accepting embracing loving caring nurturing supporting encouraging uplifting inspiring motivating empowering enabling facilitating fostering cultivating developing growing evolving transforming transcending limitations boundaries restrictions constraints imposed externally internally self-imposed voluntarily willingly consciously deliberately intentionally purposefully mindfully thoughtfully carefully wisely prudently judiciously sensibly rationally logically reasonably practically realistically pragmatically effectively efficiently productively successfully satisfactorily sufficiently adequately appropriately suitably properly correctly rightly justifiably fairly equitably ethically morally righteously virtuously nobly honorably decently respectfully kindly compassionately empathetically sympathetically generously charitably benevolently altruistically selflessly unconditionally universally inclusively holistically integratively synergistically harmoniously peacefully tranquilly serenely blissfully joyfully happily contentedly satisfied fulfilled gratified pleased delighted thrilled excited exhilarated elated euphoric ecstatic jubilant triumphant victorious successful accomplished achieved attained realized actualized materialized manifested physical form tangible reality present moment now here today living breathing experiencing feeling sensing perceiving understanding comprehending grasping appreciating valuing respecting honoring acknowledging recognizing accepting embracing loving caring nurturing supporting encouraging uplifting inspiring motivating empowering enabling facilitating fostering cultivating developing growing evolving transforming transcending limitations boundaries restrictions constraints imposed externally internally self-imposed voluntarily willingly consciously deliberately intentionally purpose

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