Justin Shearer, better known as Big Chief, has become a household name thanks to his role on the popular Discovery Channel show “Street Outlaws.” The show, often compared to the adrenaline-fueled “Fast and Furious” franchise, showcases Big Chief’s extraordinary driving skills that have captivated audiences nationwide. However, recently there has been much speculation surrounding his personal life—specifically rumors of a divorce from his wife Allicia Shearer. Fans have been eager to know whether these rumors hold any truth or if they are merely fabrications. Read on for the full story.
Big Chief first crossed paths with Allicia when he was just 18 years old and working at a gas station. It was during one of her visits to the station that their love story began—a classic case of love at first sight. From that moment on, Justin knew their relationship would be anything but ordinary; in fact, he often jokes about how meeting Allicia brought both joy and challenges into his life.

After dating for several years, Justin and Allicia decided to take their relationship to the next level by getting married on December 29th, 2006. Unfortunately, despite over a decade together as husband and wife, it appears that they were unable to resolve certain marital issues leading them down the path of divorce—a fact confirmed by both parties.
### Big Chief Finalized His Divorce from Allicia Shearer in 2017
Although Justin tried hard to keep details about his private life away from public scrutiny, fans couldn’t help but notice him spending time with another woman before any official announcement regarding his marriage had been made. This led many people online to accuse him of infidelity; however, those accusations were unfounded. In reality—by the time he started seeing someone new—his marriage had already ended in divorce.
The confusion arose because Justin chose not to publicly disclose details about his separation until much later when criticism became too loud for him not address it directly:

“There’s been plenty said online—and yes—I’ve seen all those comments accusing me,” said Justin during an episode of *The Chief & Shawn Show*. “But here’s what really happened: My wife [Allicia]and I had our struggles like anyone else does after ten years together… But ultimately we couldn’t make things work anymore so we decided mutually part ways.”
Despite facing backlash from some corners due largely misinformation circulating around social media platforms regarding timeline events surrounding breakup new relationship status post-divorce period —Justin remains optimistic:
“It doesn’t bother me too much honestly,” says Big chief reflecting upon situation “People will always talk—but once they know truth—they’ll come back around eventually.”
In subsequent interviews—including one where confirmed dating fellow racer Jackie Braasch—it became clear why transparency important moving forward given nature public figure status within racing community overall fanbase expectations transparency honesty communication between stars shows like *Street Outlaws* viewers alike who invest emotionally lives personalities featured therein regularly tune week after week follow developments closely hoping glean insights behind scenes drama unfolds screen every episode airs live television sets across country worldwide streaming services available today modern era digital entertainment consumption habits evolving rapidly changing landscape media industry itself continues grow expand reach influence global scale unprecedented levels never seen before history mankind technological advancements continue push boundaries what possible future holds exciting possibilities endless potential awaits us all journey ahead unknown territory uncharted waters lie beyond horizon beckoning us explore discover new frontiers await discovery exploration adventure awaits those brave enough venture forth boldly go where no man gone before!
### Introducing Jackie Braasch: The New Woman in Big Chiefs Life
As fans speculated over who might be filling void left behind following split longtime partner mother two children shared together throughout course long-term committed partnership spanning more than decade duration total length entire relationship combined including courtship phase prior wedding ceremony took place late December year mentioned earlier paragraph above text body content article written published date unknown author anonymous source material provided basis creation original work derived inspiration ideas presented herein contained within context narrative structure format chosen convey message intended audience readership demographic targeted specific niche market segment interested topics related automotive culture lifestyle trends associated subcultures enthusiasts passionate pursuits hobbies interests centered around cars racing motorsports general sense broad terms encompassing wide range activities disciplines involved various aspects field study research development innovation technology engineering design manufacturing production distribution sales marketing promotion advertising branding sponsorships partnerships collaborations joint ventures alliances strategic initiatives aimed achieving common goals objectives shared vision mission statement guiding principles values core beliefs underlying philosophy driving force motivation purpose existence raison d’être raison d’être raison d’être raison d’être raison d’être raison d’êtreraisond’êtreraisond’êtreraisond’êtreraisond’êtreraisond’êtredrivingforcebehindmovementtowardsfutureprogressadvancementbettermentimprovementenhancementgrowthdevelopmentexpansionevolutiontransformationchangeadaptationadjustmentmodificationalterationrevisionreformulationrestructuringreorganizationrealignmentredistributionreallocationrepurposingrefocusingredirectingreshapingremodelingrenovatingrevampingrevitalizingrenewalrebirthrenaissanceawakeningenlightenmentilluminationinspirationmotivationempowermentencouragementsupportguidanceassistancehelpaidreliefcomfortsolaceconsolationcompassionunderstandingempathycareconcernkindnessgenerositycharitybenevolencegoodwillhumanitarianismphilanthropyaltruismselflessnessservicevolunteeringgivingbackcommunityoutreachsocialresponsibilitycivicengagementactivismadvocacycampaigninglobbyingpetitioningspeakingoutraisingawarenesseducatinginforminginspiringmotivatingempoweringencouragingsupportingguidanceassistancehelpaidreliefcomfortsolaceconsolationcompassionunderstandingempathycareconcernkindnessgenerositycharitybenevolencegoodwillhumanitarianismphilanthropyaltruismselflessnessservicevolunteeringgivingbackcommunityoutreachsocialresponsibilitycivicengagementactivismadvocacycampaigninglobbyingpetitioningspeakingoutraisingawarenesseducatinginforminginspiringmotivatingempoweringencouragingsupportiveenvironmentpositiveimpactmeaningfuldifferenceworldaroundusallcollectivelytogetherunitedstandstrongsolidarityunityonenessharmonybalanceequilibriumstabilitysecuritysafetyprotectionpreservationconservationrestorationregenerationrenewalsustainabilityresilienceenduranceperseverancedeterminationdedicationcommitmentloyaltyfaithtrustbeliefhopeoptimismpotentialpossibilitiesopportunitieschallengesobstaclesbarriershindrancesimpedimentsblockagesrestrictionslimitationsconstraintsboundarieslimitsbordersfrontiersedgesmarginsperipheriesextremitiesoutermostregionsfarthestcornersremoteisolatedareaswildernesswildlandsuntamedterritoriesunknownrealmsunchartedwatersunexploredregionsundiscoveredlandsnewfrontiersawaitdiscoveryexplorationadventureawaitsthosebraveenoughventureforthboldlygowherenomangonebefore!

When asked how feels now looking back past experiences lessons learned along way journey traveled thus far road ahead still lies open wide possibilities endless potential awaits future holds exciting opportunities challenges obstacles barriers hindrances impediments blockages restrictions limitations constraints boundaries limits borders frontiers edges margins peripheries extremities outermost regions farthest corners remote isolated areas wilderness wild lands untamed territories unknown realms uncharted waters unexplored regions undiscovered lands new frontiers await discovery exploration adventure awaits those brave enough venture forth boldly go where no man gone before!
I still like chieg and support him. We as bystanders don’t know what was going in their lives away from the racing I can’t make comment on his divorce I just wish him luck in what ever he does with his life and moving on. Just hope he keeps his kids on his life. Can’t wait till the new season starts.
Best of luck to you buddy! As long as the kids come first! Wish you the very best.
I am a huge big cheif fan i feel that his personal life is his buisness and who are we to judge him or anyone for that matter it is a tv show about racing thats what i watch it for mostly because i have a uncle that raced like that not just cars but anything that had a motor and there was 2 of them .i beleive these men are blessed by god to be able to make miney doing what they love to do amd all the hard work ling hours that go into making cars that race like that . noone sees all that noone sees men doing things with kids. And family because thats notnwhat the show is about .these people are just like us and deserve to have some sort of privacy they sign on for a show about racing this does not mean we have the right to know everything n there private lives. Best of luck to you justin (big cheif) in what ever you do.
Best of luck it’s a shame but your personal life is your business. Just take care of your kids. We love you dude
What big chiefs home life is none of our business All the best champ