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Andy Stanley Salary and Net Worth: His Wife, Kids in Wiki-Bio. 2022

Andy Stanley know all about his Salary and Net Worth

Andy Stanley is the founder and the senior pastor of North Point Ministries, a worldwide Christian organization which boasts six campuses. Andy Stanley was born at Atlanta Georgia on 16th May 1958. He is an American citizen, one one of the most popular Pastors who is known for challenging his church members to follow Biblical principles. This article brings you more information about this man of God. Keep reading to know what he does when not on the altar and so much more including his net worth as well as his other sources of income.

Andy Stanley Net Worth and Salary

One thing has been evident over the recent past, the increasing number of big churches and how fast they are gaining popularity as well as attracting multitudes. There’s another common trend in these churches, the net worth of the pastors have been increasing steadily.

This is a subject that has raised eyebrows and one that is quite debatable. Many ask, can pastors accumulate millions of wealth by serving God? Should they even be doing this? Well, different people would argue differently. Let’s save that discussion for another day.

What is the net worth of Andy Stanley of North Point Community Church? Being a very prominent Pastor he earns a good sum of money, and this makes him one of the millionaires, Andy Stanley net worth is approximately $50 million. Well, that’s too much money but trust me, it’s nothing compared to other commanding churches.

So, how does this pastor make all these millions? To start with, his Church has been quite successful. On the side, Stanley is also an author, and he has written some of the best-selling books.

He also has some TV shows that attract a vast audience. Many people seem to love listening what he has to say, and this is one of the reasons he attracts a huge following.

Andy Stanley's Net Worth
Andy Stanley’s Net Worth is $50 Million

Though it’s not outrightly stated that Andy makes money from North Point ministries, it is clear that he takes home a great fold, and as long as the church continues to grow, so will Andy Stanley. Currently, Andy earns a monthly salary of about $200 per month. This translates to around $8,000 per year.

House and Cars

Andy is also a hardworking man and owns a fleet of cars and has a mansion of his family in Milton, GA. He is also rumored to have other homes in other cities where he resides when he is ministering away from Milton.

Wife and Kids

Andy Stanley with his lovely wife Sandra Stanley
Andy Stanley with his lovely wife, Sandra Stanley

Andy is a family man who fulfills his responsibilities to his family, he is married to wife Sandra Stanley, and they are blessed with three children namely Allison, Garrett, and Andrew Stanley.

Allison Stanley being the firstborn started being involved in theatre activities at a tender age, and she is currently pursuing theatre studies and history at the University of Central Florida.

Garrett Stanley is currently studying at Georgia Institute of Technology & Emory University

Wiki Bio

Name: Andy Stanley
Age: 59 years as at 2017
Date of Birth: 05/16/1958
Place of Birth: Atlanta Georgia
Nationality: America
Marital Status: Married
Spouse: Sandra Stanley
Children: Allison Stanley, Garrett Stanley, Andrew Stanley
Occupation: Senior Pastor
Parents: Charles Stanley, A Stanley
Zodiac sign: Taurus

2 thoughts on “Andy Stanley Salary and Net Worth: His Wife, Kids in Wiki-Bio. 2022”

  1. I thank God for the men and women of God. While I truly believe that God reigns on the just as well as the unjust, it’s so important to remember that we have been commissioned to share the gospel, make disciples, heal the sick, be fully transparent and make sure that we are following Christ Jesus and allowing the Holy Spirit to lead us and trust fully in his leading. When material possessions become more important than the gospel, then it reminds me of the rich young ruler, the rich man and Lazarus. We do not need bigger planes, limousines, mansions just to say that I have arrived or it’s a need to fulfill the gospel. What happen to having great faith like The Centurion soldier were he asked Jesus to just speak a word and my servant will be made whole! It worthy to be in your presents und0er my household but just speak a word and all will be well!. I understand that Jesus commission us to go out and spread the gospel to all. However, when YOU try to become bigger than the gospel and it’s about you then there’s no need for you to minister any longer as YOU too may become like those who are in it for gain even though the laborer is worthy of his hire and YOU too will miss the mark and not make it in. What does it PROFIT to gain the whole world and lose Your soul or what can a man give in exchange for his SOUL? You decide as in the end it does not matter how much you know, how well your ed-u-ma-cated, (educated) or even if you can beat someone up with the gospel through your charisma and charm. You too will be held accountable in the end and you will be either in the LAMB’S book of life or you will be in the books with a detailed account of everything you had done wrong. Do not over think this as I know that I am right and this is so simple but yet man wants to complicate and justify his or her existence and why they deserve what they have. Don’t fool yourselves this is temporary and you to will give an account one day. Ever learning and never coming to the knowledge of truth. Too much learning and not enough doing and taking from those who are really in need. Give up some of your wealth to those you do not know and are in true need and show some true love. You won’t regret it for eternity.

    1. Wow! Your words are powerful and the examples of Jesus’s teachings are used correctly. I thought that Jesus also pushed the money (changers?) or other titles away from the temple. A clear sign of the need to keep politics and money away from religious words and how they are used. The separation of church and state, I believe, would be beneficial and much safer. I think about rich men building spaceships and not bumping the salary of their workers by even a dollar an hour. The owners of Facebook, Amazon, and Google, and the rest of the big money makers just keep racking it in with no thought of tossing small businesses or communities trying to pull themselves and families up a donation. At least Bill Gates and his wife made responsible donations to many causes. It’s really all about greed. Greed will lead to the end of us all. More, more, more. Billions aren’t enough, they want more billions.
      Anyway, you’ve added good words to the conversation and I liked them. Sincerely, Rob

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