Discovery Channel’s Alaska: The Last Frontier is a reality television series centered on the Kilcher clan. More specifically, it documents their self-choice day-to-day life on living without modern technology and the perils of life in the wild.
The family hunts cultivate and get exposed to extensive near-death experiences more often than they want. Here is a closer look at some of Alaska: The Last Frontier cast death rumors that have been making rounds everywhere.
Did Anyone Die on Alaska: The Last Frontier?
The Kilcher family is enormous; everything happens so fast, and if you aren’t caught up with each family member, it’s easy to get lost. Lucky for us, the Discovery Channel stores everything on footage for our entertainment value.
As much as the show is entertaining, we doubt the camera crew would sit and do nothing as human life wastes away. A good example holds in the show’s depiction of the family almost freezing to death. So far, no one has died onset or even off-camera.
However, a few close calls have put fans of the show on the edge of their seats. Let’s start with one of the oldest of the cast, Otto Kilcher.
Alaska: The Last Frontier Cast Otto Kilcher Near Death Experience, and Accident
To quickly clarify, there has been no serious accident that the TV star Otto Kilcher has faced that’s documented. However, it’s not wise to rule out any possibility of a near-death experience. The guy is a mechanic and machinist surrounded by endless options in situations that could go wrong and end up fatal.
On the other hand, Otto Kilcher has had a few health complications that could have ended his life. Earlier in his life, the Alaskan Frontier got diagnosed with a hernia and postponed surgery until his condition worsened.
In 2016, the directors and producers of the reality show decided on making the situation a great season finale. Fans were left on a cliffhanger, wondering what would become of their beloved character. Luckily, he was spotted at his stepson’s wedding as per his Facebook account, suggesting the surgery went well.
Atz Lee Kilcher Accident and Near-Death Experience.
Another cast member who almost kicked the bucket is Atz Lee Kilcher, the brother of Jewel Kilcher. While his sister travels the planet through her musical world tours, he likes to wander around Homer, Alaska. One hike g expedition almost turned fatal for him when he fell off a cliff in 2015.
He was at the Otter Cove Resort when he got caught by surprise and came tumbling down the cliff. He fell as not an ordinary dust-yourself-up and walk but was so severe that he required the medevac to intervene and whisk him to the hospital.

Doctors said he was lucky to be alive since he had multiple injuries, fractured ribs, and punctured lungs. His family had to readjust their lives primarily with the burden of food provision, which fell onto his wife, Jane. Friends came to help, and with a bit of rest, he got back on his feet and back in action.
Shane Kilcher Injury, Accident.
Just when you thought the worst was over, season seven premiered in the fall of 2017, and with it came another tragic fall hane Kilcher was, this time on the receiving end after slipped and fell off a ladder while working on his cabin.
The accident left him with a broken back ore. Specifically, a horizontal fracture on his L2 vertebra, which extended about two-thirds into the bone he incident left him in critical condition and under intensive care with the family relying on miracles and prayers from just about anyone.

Luckily for him, he made it out alive and embarked on a long journey to recovery. The injury took place halfway through filming the seventh season, which meant he had to leave from shooting hopefully, yet to see him in action on the new season since he is doing much better.
Alaska The Last Frontier Other cast members Accidents
So far, there has been no other accident in the show on both the Otto family and the Kilcher’s homesteads he place may be challenging to survive in. Still, it’s not accident-prone at’s even more baffling is that most of the accidents and near-death experiences occur when the cameras aren’t rolling. However, it’s true that they face life-threatening situations, especially when hunting ferocious predators who may sometimes get very territorial.
The only cast members on Alaska: The Last Frontier who suffered injuries are Atz Lee and Shane Kilcher. B th cases were a result of an accidental fall.