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Gold Rush’s Tyler Mahoney Discovers $130,000 Nugget – But the Real Story Is Where She Dug It Up!

A real-life gold prospector struck it rich after unearthing a £100,000 nugget at a site where she used to play as a child.

Tyler Mahoney, 27, discovered a huge vein of gold while excavating an outback hill where she and her brother would play 15 years ago. Hailing from Calgary, Western Australia, Tyler has since become a star on Discovery Channel’s hit show *Gold Rush*.

Tyler explained that her return to the area was unexpected, as she only revisited because her father, Ted, happened to be passing through and needed to make a phone call.

“We were in a remote part of the outback, the same place where my brother and I grew up,” she shared. “We spent a lot of time there when we were kids, and I hadn’t been back in about 15 years.”

While her dad was searching for a phone signal, he stumbled upon a few gold nuggets and decided to take his children to the spot.

“We were finding a lot of gold on this hill, but it was in rough form,” Tyler explained. “We knew we were close to the source. The goal in prospecting is to track the nuggets back to where they originated.”

With the help of a local guide and even a pig, the siblings chipped away at the hill when, all of a sudden, more gold nuggets started to appear. “It was a massive vein of black ironstone, filled with gold speckles,” Tyler recalled. “There were gold veins running all through it. It was one of the richest loads my dad had ever seen, and it just kept coming. We followed the vein.”

She continued, “We loaded everything we found into the back of our truck, processed it, and ended up with around £100,000 worth of gold from that one dig. We melted it down into small bars.”

Earlier this year, another prospector in the UK, Andy Brooke, 37, claimed to have struck gold near one of Britain’s major cities. After finding gold specks in a stream south of Birmingham in January, he’s keeping the exact location secret. Now, he plans to return to search for the gold’s source, which could be worth a fortune. The stream was highlighted in a British Geological Survey report as showing signs of gold.

After thoroughly searching the riverbed, Andy claims to have discovered specks of gold, sparking hopes of uncovering a significant find.

Hailing from Birmingham, Andy has been prospecting for four years, though it took him two years before he struck gold.


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