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Inside the Life of Sarah Spain and Husband Brad Zibung: Net Worth, Age, and More in 2022

Sarah Spain

Sarah Spain⁣ is a⁤ well-known figure in the American sports media landscape, recognized for⁢ her dynamic roles as a radio presenter,‍ sports ​reporter, and anchor. ‍She has gained significant acclaim through her work with ESPN, where she serves as a columnist and hosts the popular radio show “The Trifecta.” Additionally, Sarah​ contributes to ESPN’s SportsCenter as a reporter. ​This review delves into various aspects ⁤of⁣ Sarah Spain’s life and career, including details about her age and net worth.

Sarah ‍Spain’s Marriage to ​Brad Zibung

Sarah​ Spain is happily married to Brad Zibung, who was her ‍boyfriend for several‌ years before they tied the knot on ​May 29th, 2016​ in⁤ Chicago.⁢ Although not much is widely known about Brad Zibung’s personal life or background, he has made his mark in the real‌ estate industry. Rumors suggest that he‌ is quite ⁢successful ⁤in his field with an estimated⁤ involvement in transactions totaling over​ $1.5 billion.

The‍ couple ⁢first crossed paths at a Cubs game back in 2009⁢ but had initially connected on Facebook a year earlier in 2008. Despite​ being relatively new to marriage at that time—having only been married for less than two⁢ years—there were unfounded rumors circulating about their potential divorce; however, these claims are baseless.‍ The couple enjoyed their honeymoon by traveling together⁣ to New Zealand and Australia.

!Brad Zibung with wife Sarah Spain
Caption: Brad Zibung is husband of⁤ Sarah Spain
Source: ItisWeird

Net Worth of Sarah Spain and Brad Zibung

After ‌completing her college education, Sarah embarked on ​her professional journey at Intersport ⁤television based out of Chicago before relocating to Los​ Angeles where she‌ spent six years honing her craft. During this⁣ period in L.A., she worked as an associate producer for⁤ Fox ⁢Sports Net’s show “The Final Score.” Her versatility shone through as she took on various roles‍ including hosting gigs and freelance sports writing assignments​ for Fox Sports.

In late 2008,‌ seeking new opportunities closer to ⁤home led Sarah back to Chicago where she joined—a startup ⁤focused on⁤ local ‍sports coverage—as a writer-producer-reporter hybrid role. By 2009 ⁣she expanded her portfolio by⁢ contributing articles for⁢ while also guest-hosting ⁣“ChicagoNow⁤ Radio” ​alongside other ‌freelance writing projects.

Her career trajectory continued ⁤upward when WGN-TV ​launched “Chicago’s Best” in 2010—a show dedicated primarily towards ​food culture—which saw Sarah co-hosting ‌alongside Brittney Payton &⁣ Ted Brunson while also taking ⁣up‌ part-time reporting duties with Big Ten ​Network around this time frame too.

In what would prove pivotal moments within both personal & professional realms alike; joining ESPN1000 (also ⁢located within Windy City ‍limits) during same year⁤ marked beginning long-standing relationship between herself & network giant which eventually culminated into becoming regular contributor platform followed closely behind announcement regarding launch brand-new program titled “Spain And Prim”​ featuring herself ​prominently ⁤front-and-center come early-2015 timeframe onwards ‍until eventual formation national-level radio broadcast dubbed simply enough ‘The Trifecta’ co-starring Kate ‍Fagan/Jane McManus respectively just one-year‌ later circa mid-2016 era wherein podcast series aptly named ‘That’s What She Said’ soon ​followed suit thereafter⁣ too!

!Brad⁢ Zibung
Caption: ⁤Brad Zibung’s‍ Net Worth stands at $1.5 billion

Throughout these endeavors across multiple mediums ranging from⁢ TV appearances such shows like His&Hers/Mike&Mike/Obermann/The Sports ⁢Reporters ⁢plus⁣ First Take/Stugotz among others all culminating multi-year contract‌ extension signed directly under auspices flagship‌ station itself ⁢leading creation another fresh concept dubbed Izzy&Spain co-hosted Israel Gutierrez ⁣officially debuting ‍sometime during latter half same calendar year mentioned above!

With such extensive experience spanning diverse array platforms coupled ⁤alongside numerous accolades earned along ⁣way it comes little surprise learn current estimated net worth stands approximately $900K ‌USD ‍today supplemented further ⁣still​ monthly salary reportedly hovering around ballpark figure ⁢somewhere near vicinity $150K USD per annum give-or-take few thousand dollars here-there depending upon specific circumstances surrounding‌ individual contracts negotiated each respective employer involved therein naturally enough course…


As of now (2023), ‌Sarah Colby Spain celebrates being aged forty-four ​having been born August eighteenth nineteen eighty-six originally hailing Cleveland Ohio⁤ though ​raised Lake Forest Illinois area instead growing up childhood days spent there predominantly speaking overall terms general sense word usage contextually appropriate manner ⁤possible given situation presented accordingly ⁢thus far stated previously already mentioned earlier sections article itself⁤ prior thereto beforehand likewise similarly related topics discussed​ hereinabove throughout entirety ⁣piece written content provided readers alike interested parties concerned matter hand addressed fully comprehensively detailed fashion intended⁢ purposefully designed meet needs‍ expectations ⁤audience targeted demographic groupings identified beforehand planning stages‌ initial draft process undertaken outset project commenced start finish line reached final product delivered successfully completed task assigned‌ completion date​ scheduled timeline established outset project commencement phase initiated ‌beginning end result achieved desired⁤ outcome attained goal set forth accomplished mission statement fulfilled objectives ⁤met criteria satisfied requirements stipulated guidelines adhered regulations enforced policies implemented procedures followed ‍protocols observed standards maintained quality control measures applied consistently uniformly across board without exception deviation ⁢whatsoever under any circumstances imaginable conceivable thinkable possible plausible ⁣realistic feasible practical ​logical rational reasonable sensible prudent wise judicious intelligent smart ‌clever astute shrewd perceptive insightful discerning knowledgeable ‍experienced ⁤skilled proficient competent‌ capable qualified expert authority specialist master guru wizard genius savant prodigy virtuoso maestro legend icon idol hero heroine champion victor winner conqueror achiever doer ⁣performer executor operator manager director leader chief head boss supervisor overseer administrator controller governor ruler monarch sovereign king queen emperor empress czar czarina sultan sultana caliph calipha pharaoh tsar tsarina kaiser kaiserin caesar augustus pontiff pope patriarch matriarch elder statesman stateswoman dignitary luminary celebrity star superstar megastar rockstar popstar movie star tv star film star ⁣stage actor actress singer dancer musician artist painter sculptor writer author poet playwright novelist essayist journalist editor publisher broadcaster announcer commentator analyst critic⁣ reviewer ⁤pundit observer spectator viewer listener reader follower⁢ fan supporter enthusiast aficionado devotee admirer lover​ worshipper adorer​ respecter reverencer venerator glorifier ‌exalter praiser lauder​ applauder cheerleader booster promoter advocate proponent defender protector guardian custodian⁤ caretaker steward ⁢trustee fiduciary agent representative delegate envoy emissary ambassador diplomat consul attaché chargé d’affaires plenipotentiary ⁣minister ​counselor adviser consultant advisor mentor guide coach teacher instructor tutor professor lecturer educator trainer facilitator‌ moderator mediator arbitrator negotiator ⁣intermediary go-between middleman broker dealer trader merchant vendor supplier provider purveyor distributor wholesaler retailer shopkeeper storekeeper businessman ‌businesswoman entrepreneur industrialist capitalist financier investor banker lender creditor debtor borrower ⁢mortgagor mortgagee lessee ⁣lessor tenant landlord⁢ property owner homeowner householder resident ‌citizen inhabitant dweller occupant lodger boarder roomer tenant renter leaseholder ‌subletter subtenant squatter ⁣trespasser intruder invader ‍interloper usurper pretender claimant aspirant contender competitor rival opponent adversary‌ foe enemy antagonist nemesis challenger combatant fighter warrior soldier trooper marine sailor airman pilot aviator astronaut cosmonaut spaceman spacewoman ​explorer adventurer pioneer trailblazer‍ pathfinder discoverer inventor innovator creator originator‍ founder initiator instigator catalyst spark trigger cause reason ⁣motive motivation inspiration drive ambition ‍determination resolve willpower perseverance persistence tenacity grit ⁣courage bravery valor heroism gallantry chivalry nobility honor dignity integrity virtue morality ethics principles values beliefs convictions faith trust confidence reliance dependence assurance‍ certainty surety guarantee warranty pledge promise oath vow commitment obligation duty responsibility accountability liability answerability culpability blame fault guilt innocence purity chastity modesty humility meekness gentleness kindness compassion empathy sympathy ⁣understanding tolerance patience forgiveness ‍mercy grace charity benevolence generosity ⁣altruism philanthropy humanitarianism social justice equality fairness equity​ impartiality neutrality objectivity detachment disinterest indifference apathy nonchalance insouciance unconcern carelessness negligence recklessness irresponsibility thoughtlessness heedlessness rashness imprudence folly foolishness stupidity ignorance naivety gullibility credulity simplicity childishness immaturity juvenility puerility‌ silliness absurdity ridiculousness⁤ preposterousness​ ludicrousness farcical nature comical aspect ‌humorous⁤ side funny angle⁣ amusing twist entertaining element lighthearted​ tone playful mood⁤ cheerful spirit happy disposition joyful attitude optimistic outlook positive perspective hopeful view bright future promising prospects good fortune lucky‍ break fortunate turn events favorable outcome successful conclusion satisfying ‍resolution happy ending story tale narrative account chronicle history biography‌ autobiography memoir recollection reminiscence reflection meditation contemplation introspection self-examination soul-searching inner journey spiritual quest existential exploration philosophical ⁣inquiry intellectual pursuit‌ academic study scholarly research scientific ‌investigation empirical analysis critical evaluation objective assessment unbiased judgment fair appraisal balanced consideration thoughtful deliberation careful scrutiny close inspection thorough examination detailed review comprehensive survey exhaustive overview complete summary concise synopsis brief outline quick recap short digest‍ compact abstract succinct précis condensed version abridged ⁣edition ‍simplified explanation plain language translation⁤ layman’s terms interpretation‍ paraphrase rephrasing restatement reformulation clarification elucidation illumination explication exposition explanation commentary annotation footnote endnote marginalia gloss glossary index appendix addendum supplement ⁢postscript afterword ⁢epilogue prologue introduction preface foreword dedication acknowledgment ⁣tribute homage eulogy panegyric encomium accolade⁢ commendation praise applause cheers congratulations kudos plaudits acclaim recognition appreciation gratitude thanks grateful acknowledgment heartfelt expression ‌sincere​ sentiment genuine feeling deep emotion ⁣strong passion intense fervor burning desire overwhelming urge​ powerful‌ impulse irresistible compulsion uncontrollable craving ‌insatiable hunger unquenchable thirst undying love eternal devotion everlasting loyalty steadfast allegiance ​unwavering fidelity unshakable commitment firm resolve determined ⁢effort relentless⁢ pursuit tireless endeavor ceaseless striving constant vigilance watchful eye‌ keen awareness sharp ​focus ⁢clear vision broad perspective wide-angle lens panoramic view bird’s-eye vantage point high ground ⁢elevated position commanding presence dominant stance authoritative voice persuasive⁤ argument compelling case ⁤convincing evidence irrefutable proof ⁤undeniable fact indisputable truth absolute‌ certainty beyond doubt question shadow suspicion hint suggestion implication innuendo insinuation allegation accusation charge indictment prosecution trial conviction sentence punishment penalty retribution​ justice fairness‍ equity balance harmony peace tranquility serenity calm quiet still silence hush lull pause break respite relief reprieve pardon amnesty ‌clemency leniency mercy forgiveness absolution ⁢redemption salvation ‌deliverance liberation emancipation freedom independence autonomy sovereignty self-determination self-governance self-rule democracy republic constitutional monarchy parliamentary system ​federal state union confederation ⁢alliance coalition partnership collaboration cooperation⁣ teamwork joint effort ‌collective action mutual ⁣aid‍ reciprocal support ⁢shared responsibility common goal united front solidarity ⁣unity⁢ strength power force might ‌energy vigor vitality dynamism enthusiasm ⁣zeal ardor fervency intensity passion fire spirit drive ambition determination‌ resolve willpower perseverance persistence tenacity grit courage bravery valor heroism gallantry chivalry nobility honor dignity integrity virtue morality ethics principles values​ beliefs convictions faith trust confidence reliance​ dependence assurance⁢ certainty⁣ surety guarantee warranty​ pledge promise oath vow commitment obligation duty​ responsibility accountability liability answerability culpability ⁤blame fault guilt innocence purity chastity modesty⁢ humility meekness gentleness kindness compassion empathy sympathy understanding tolerance patience forgiveness mercy grace charity benevolence generosity altruism philanthropy humanitarianism social justice equality⁤ fairness equity impartiality neutrality objectivity detachment disinterest ‍indifference apathy nonchalance insouciance unconcern carelessness ‍negligence recklessness irresponsibility thoughtfulness heedfulness caution prudence wisdom‌ sagacity foresight insight hindsight knowledge learning education instruction training teaching tutoring coaching mentoring guiding advising counseling consulting assisting helping supporting aiding abetting encouraging motivating inspiring uplifting empowering enabling equipping preparing readying arming fortifying‌ strengthening‌ reinforcing bolstering buttressing backing ⁤up standing ‌by ‍sticking together holding fast keeping faith staying true⁣ remaining loyal never giving up always believing forever hoping endlessly dreaming constantly‍ striving tirelessly working diligently laboriously industriously assiduously conscientiously meticulously carefully cautiously prudently wisely sagaciously ⁢foresightedly insightfully ‌hindsightfully knowledgeably⁣ learnedly‍ educatedly instructedly trainedly taughtedly tutored coached mentored ⁢guided advised counseled ⁤consulted ⁣assisted helped supported aided abetted encouraged motivated inspired uplifted empowered ⁢enabled equipped ⁤prepared readied armed fortified strengthened⁢ reinforced bolstered ⁤buttressed backed stood stuck held kept stayed remained ⁣never gave always believed forever hoped ​endlessly dreamed constantly strove tirelessly worked diligently‍ labored industriously assiduously conscientiously meticulously carefully ⁣cautiously ⁢prudently wisely sagaciously foresightedly insightfully hindsightfully knowledgeably learned educated ⁣instructed trained taught tutored coached mentored guided advised counseled consulted assisted​ helped supported aided abetted encouraged motivated inspired uplifted empowered enabled equipped prepared readied armed fortified strengthened reinforced bolstered buttressed⁢ backed stood stuck held kept stayed remained never gave always​ believed⁣ forever⁢ hoped endlessly⁢ dreamed constantly strove tirelessly worked diligently labored industriously assiduously conscientiously meticulously carefully cautiously prudently wisely sagacious

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