Mick Dodge is one of the famous personalities of the National Geographic Channel. He is the lead of the show “The Legend of Mick Dodge”. The show is based on his life in the rainforest. He is a rainforest dweller himself and has been living in the forest for more than 25 years. There are many fans of Mick Dodge mainly because of his uniqueness and expertise. The show is very successful and the number of viewers is increasing very fast. He is the only person credited for the success of the show as the show runs around him. This nature-loving man is deeply connected to nature. He is constantly working to make people connect more with nature and thus, improve the condition of the natural habitat and environments.
Caption: Mick Dodge’s adventurous video entitled ‘Meet Mick Dodge: The Legend of Mick Dodge’
Mick Dodge Net worth
The net worth of this rainforest dweller was estimated to be high. However, he claims that he does not have a savings or checking account. That is so because he is not much connected to the modern world. He gives most of his money to EarthGym, an organization working towards building more outdoor retreats and spread awareness around people related to nature.
The net worth of Mick Dodge is around $250,000. It is also believed that most of his money is invested in the EarthGym organization. As the show is gaining viewers on a regular basis it is not possible that the net worth of Mick Dodge will not be increasing. Still only he himself can verify the facts related to his net worth and he has already said in an interview that all of his money goes to the organization. Therefore, his true net worth is impossible to calculate.
Why did he go to the woods?
Mick Dodge has not given a clear reason for such questions. He said in an interview that he used to have deformed feet. Those feet used to hurt very much when he walked. In addition, he had other problems with his body too, such as constant back pain and heart pain. This caused him much difficulty in leading a happy and healthy life. He used to feel a homely feeling in the rainforests of HOH. Therefore, he started living the life of a barefoot nomad.
When he started his life as a barefoot nomad, he felt improvements in his health conditions. He started feeling better and his back pain started vanishing. His deformity of feet was also gone. His overall health improved. He further added that he just followed his feet. By feet, he means his conscience.
Difficulties living life in the woods
Living in the rainforest is not an easy task as there are many risks associated with it. Mick Dodge has also said that living with Mother Nature is great but one has to remain alert always. If one keeps his guard low the Earth will eat him. Still, he has developed a deep relation with the rainforest. He also has understood the forest to its core. He faces many difficulties on his normal trekking journeys in the jungle.
The first difficulty is of food. The availability of food is scarce for a person who does not have a deep knowledge of the forest and its environment. Mick knows all types of edible materials he could eat in the forest. He has become a scavenger and thus, eats dead animals killed by predators or humans too. As he stated in an interview, he is an omnivore so he can eat most of the food available in the forest.

Source: National Geography
The next great difficulty is of health care. The rainforest has many herbs and medicinal plants but one has to search for them. Because Mick is completely cut off from the modern world he does not use the medicines of the modern world too. He finds mushrooms and other herbs to use at the time required. He has discovered some natural ways to heal himself too. One of them is water drinking and bathing. He told an interviewer that whenever he catches the flu or cold he heads back to the Hoh and soak his body in the glacial water. He drinks the glacial water at that time too. Such methods of healing help him in staying active and alive in the wilderness.
Another major danger in the nomad life is human interaction. He has stated in an interview that once a person was speeding along the road and hit a deer and Mick. There were some injuries to Mick and the deer probably died. Therefore, he says that the most dangerous animal he meets in the jungle is human and no other.
Some rumors and facts
There have been many rumors related to Mick Dodge and his television show. The first rumor about Mick Dodge is that he does not wear shoes at all. That is why he is called the barefoot nomad. However, in some episodes, he can be seen wearing shoes. In one episode, he wears Bigfoot boots to scare some people. Still, the shoes worn by Mick were made by his people at EarthGym. He wears shoes occasionally because he likes to stay barefoot most of the time.

Source: Twitter
The second rumor related to Mick was that he lives only in the woods and has no relations with the modern world. This rumor has been cleared by his organization that he sometimes goes to a lady’s house in that region.
The last rumor is related to his appetite. Many believed that he does not eat anything of this modern world. While this rumor was blowing in the winds, he himself later clarified this rumor that he mostly eats the food he obtains from nature but loves to eat chocolate cookies.
Mick Dodge is a dweller of the Hoh Rainforest. He is a nomad and has no connections with the modern world. He is related to an organization named EarthGym. He is also the lead character of a reality show of National Geographic Channel called, “The Legend of Mick Dodge“. He is the son of Ronald L. Dodge who was a career Marine. Mick graduated from high school in Okinawa, Japan. He has also served six years in the Marine Corps. He is nicknamed “The Barefoot Sensei”.
How old is Mick Dodge? When was he born?
When will his TV show come back?