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Jasmine Roth’s Health Journey: The Truth Behind Her Surgery and Recovery

Jasmie Roth Surgery

In March 2023, Jasmine Roth, the ⁢host of HGTV’s “Hidden Potential,” opened up about a ⁤severe neck ⁤condition she had been‌ battling⁤ for the past two months. This revelation left her fans deeply concerned about her health and well-being.

The 38-year-old television personality disclosed that she was suffering from a herniated ‌disc,‌ which significantly ​disrupted her‌ daily ​life and ​even interfered with her ability to sleep. The condition has prevented ⁤Roth ⁣from engaging ⁢in many activities she enjoys.

Jasmine⁤ Roth’s Health Struggles: ‌What Happened to ‍the HGTV Star?

Nearly three months ago, Jasmine Roth revealed that she had been diagnosed with a herniated disc between the C5 and ‌C6 vertebrae. Reflecting⁤ on ​this unexpected health challenge, Roth admitted that it‍ was something ⁤she ⁢never anticipated facing.

“This wasn’t how I imagined starting 2023,” she wrote in an Instagram ‌post laced with humor. “Not being at my best⁤ has been incredibly frustrating ​but also made me appreciate my health and strength even more.” She also offered words of⁣ encouragement⁣ to others dealing with pain: “To anyone going through⁣ something similar right now, hang in‍ there—you’re not alone.”

On March 28th, Roth shared ​some positive news with her followers—after⁣ undergoing rigorous⁤ physical therapy and ‍taking time to rest, she was finally cleared to return to‍ one of her favorite family activities: snowboarding.​ She​ posted photos⁣ capturing joyful moments on the slopes alongside loved ones.

The host of “Help! I Wrecked My⁣ House” reassured fans by noting ⁤that although it was just a beginner’s bunny slope for now, it felt great to be back out there ‌after ​being ‍sidelined ⁢for so long.

On June⁤ 10th, Jasmine ‍provided another update via Instagram where she posted several ‌images‌ showing how much ⁤the neck injury had impacted her life. She ⁤mentioned⁢ that persistent pain had⁣ flared up again during that week, prompting an urgent visit to FORMA⁣ on Saturday morning.

In sharing⁤ this ‌update on social media, ⁣Roth expressed⁤ gratitude towards everyone who supported her—thanking both the team at ​FORMA for their care as well as HGTV colleagues and family⁣ members⁢ who checked in on her ⁣throughout this difficult period.

Her post read: “Not exactly​ how I wanted ⁣to spend my Saturday⁢ but thankful ⁢for those who care. This ⁣C5-C6 disc issue is no joke—the constant pain really started⁤ getting tough this​ week.”

Understanding Herniated Discs: Symptoms and Treatment

According to information from ⁢the American⁤ Association‌ of Neurological Surgeons (AANS), our spine is composed of bones called vertebrae which are cushioned by small discs known as annuli. ⁤A disc becomes “herniated” when part of its ‍nucleus pushes out through a⁢ tear or⁢ rupture into the spinal canal—a condition ​often referred to as slipped or⁢ bulged discs.

Symptoms can vary greatly depending on​ both where along your spine this occurs and‌ how large or severe it is; ⁤however⁣ common causes include‍ prolonged episodes involving lower back discomfort or ⁢sudden acute‍ incidents⁢ causing significant low-back ⁢pain over⁤ time.

Treatment ⁢options range widely too—from nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications aimed at reducing inflammation around affected areas—to surgical interventions if conservative measures like physical therapy⁣ fail completely ⁢alleviate‌ symptoms⁣ altogether

Latest Update From Jasmine Roth

Jasmine⁤ recently took again onto Instagram updating followers regarding progress made since initial diagnosis writing:

“Follow-up ⁢imaging⁣ today shows improvement!⁤ My C5/C6 disk feels SO MUCH BETTER ⁣after ​receiving ‍stem cell injections last month (June). Immense thanks go out all doctors & therapists ⁤helping me recover⁤ 🥹”

We’re ‍thrilled hear ‍good news coming⁢ directly from herself—and continue sending prayers full recovery ahead!


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