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Evan Thomas Reveals the Future of Bargain Block: What’s Next for Season 4

Fans of HGTV’s hit⁢ series “Bargain Block” are buzzing with​ excitement as the show ⁢gears up for its much-anticipated fourth season,‍ set to premiere this fall. During an Instagram Live session on⁣ June⁢ 19, 2024, Evan Thomas,⁢ one of‌ the show’s beloved hosts, offered fans a sneak ⁢peek into what they⁤ can ​expect in the upcoming episodes.

Thomas initially went live to promote an ⁤event close to his heart—the NINE Design + Homes Festival of the Arts.‍ This⁤ festival is scheduled for June 22​ and will take place​ at NINE Design ⁣Detroit, a retail store and artist studio that Thomas co-owns with his partner and fellow “Bargain‍ Block” star Keith ​Bynum.

As he discussed the festival’s lineup featuring 40 local artisans, eager ​fans⁤ from around the globe couldn’t resist asking about details regarding⁣ season ⁣four ⁢of “Bargain Block.” Many were particularly curious about how their renovation projects in New Orleans⁣ would be showcased.

Evan Thomas Reveals ‘Bargain Block: New ⁤Orleans’ Will ​Highlight Unique ‘Shotgun Doubles’

Back in February, HGTV ‌announced not only⁢ a new‌ 10-episode ⁢season of “Bargain Block” but also an exciting five-episode spin-off titled‍ “Bargain Block:‌ New Orleans,” both slated for release in fall‌ 2024.

Fresh from wrapping up ​projects in New Orleans, Thomas shared that ⁣viewers can look forward to a blend of episodes⁤ featuring both Detroit and‍ New Orleans ‍homes. The format will include five episodes set ⁢in Detroit followed by‌ five showcasing their work in ⁤New Orleans before returning to Detroit for ⁤another five episodes.

During his live session, Thomas expressed‍ particular enthusiasm about their ⁤work on homes in New Orleans. He explained that unlike Detroit’s single-family homes, many properties‌ they’re renovating down south are‍ “shotgun ⁢doubles”—a type of duplex common to‌ the area. They’ve ⁣taken on three such doubles across five episodes and have infused each side with⁣ distinct themes while maintaining that signature “Bargain​ Block” charm.

“We’ve had so much fun giving each side its own unique vibe,” he⁣ said during the live stream. “It adds something fresh ⁣while still keeping‍ true to what our fans love.”

When asked by ‍a fan what he loves most about working in New Orleans,⁣ Thomas found it hard to choose just one thing.

“That’s tough because there’s so much I love⁢ here,” he admitted. “The food is out-of-this-world good; nightlife is always lively; and you can’t⁢ beat the culture—it’s just such an amazing city.”

While it​ remains uncertain whether ⁣HGTV will continue filming future seasons there after this initial venture into Louisiana real estate markets—Thomas hopes they do—he⁣ acknowledged that ‌working there has been ‌both challenging ‌and ‌rewarding as they ​navigate unfamiliar ​territory.

“The market here is definitely different from what we’re used to,” he noted during his Instagram Live chat. “We’ve made‌ some mistakes along way but learned tons too—and honestly? We’d love nothing more than continuing our‍ journey here.”

Their trusted⁤ realtor partner Shea Hicks Whitfield will‍ also make appearances throughout these special Big Easy-focused episodes.

‘Bargain Block’ Hosts Take On Roofing Crisis‍ In Detroit

In addition to preparing ⁢for their upcoming TV season debuting later this year—and ⁤organizing events like June’s art fair—Evan Thomas & Keith Bynum ‌have embarked upon another ⁣meaningful project closer home: replacing roofs across neighborhoods ​where ‌they’re actively involved within ‍Detroit itself!

Partnering alongside Relentless Care Foundation (by Community Financial Credit⁣ Union) ​& Brilliant Detroit organizations—they’ve ​launched ‘Roof The Block’ fundraiser aimed at raising $100k towards providing ten new roofs within Fitzgerald neighborhood ‍alone!

During recent IG-Live broadcasted update regarding progress made thus far towards achieving goal amount needed ($47k raised already)—Thomas emphasized importance behind initiative stating:

“Over years spent renovating houses throughout city—we noticed how often severe damage starts right atop roof itself! By helping residents maintain solid roofing structures—we believe ​we’re ‌offering them best chance possible⁢ preserving⁤ value long-term!”

With nearly half ‍funds already secured via GoFundMe campaign efforts underway—it ⁣seems clear duo‌ remains ⁣committed not only transforming⁣ individual properties featured show—but entire​ communities surrounding them⁤ well-being too!

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