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Erin Napier’s new children’s book made the New York Times Best Seller List

Home Town Star Erin Napier Book

Erin Napier is easily the most bankable tv personality on HGTV. Currently, she stars on a variety of DIY-based reality shows, ranging from titles like Hometown to the spin-off, Takeover.

Erin is married to Ben, who is registered as the founder of Scotsman Co, a company built on the back of his woodwork and business skills.

She, on the other hand, is a designer who adds a unique touch to every project. Most of her experience comes from her time as a corporate graphic designer. Here’s a look at Erin Napier’s latest children’s book.

Erin was on Good Morning America to promote her new book.

Image of Erin and Ben Napier on Good Morning America
Erin and Ben Napier on Good Morning America

Erin appeared on an episode of Good Morning America, which, aired on the 23rd of May 2022. She was invited to the show to discuss her new book, ‘The Lantern House.’ In a show of solidarity, her husband and kids got up early to watch Erin on television.

What is Erin’s new book about?

Image of Erin Napier and her new book, The Lantern House
Erin Napier and her new book, The Lantern House

When describing her book, Erin asked the audience to picture a house in its infancy. Imagine a home populated by an exuberant family, music, and all the pleasant years it could bring.

Then Erin yanks the rug from underneath the audience, asking them to instead visualize the house falling into a state of decay.

To picture it crumbling and falling to ruins. And yet hope is not lost, as the house could one day rediscover its former glory once more.

Aside from the book’s poetic pages, most of the pages are also illustrated by Adam Trest, who is a very talented artist. Critics describe his artwork as heart-warming, and heart-felt.

She held a book signing for her new book

A few days after she appeared on Good Morning America, Erin held a book signing at Laurel Mercantile Co on the 27th of May 2022.
Both Erin and Adam Trest, who worked on the illustrations for the book, were present for the signing. Several fans who had pre-ordered the book also took the time to come to Laurel to meet Erin and Adam.

They were keen on getting the Hometown’s autograph on their personal hard copy. To promote the release of her new book, Erin and Adam went as far as offering pre-signed copies to the first 3500 people who ordered the book on their site.

Her book is on the New York Times Best seller’s List

The Lantern House was so well received that it earned a spot on the New York Times Best-Selling List.

It came in third behind I Wish You More, and The Wonderful Things You’ll Be, which were both in the children’s picture category. It should be noted that the two other books in question have been out for a considerably longer period.

Where can you buy the Lantern House?

The Lantern House is available on a variety of platforms.  For instance, you can buy a hardcover copy of the book on Barnes and Noble for $18.

In addition to this, anyone who buys Erin’s book from this platform will get free shipping. Unsurprisingly, various forms of the book are available on Amazon.

Kindle users can purchase it for around $10, while anyone who is interested in the hardcover copy will have to part with $17.

Lastly, we found that the Lantern House is additionally available on Erin’s website,

With a price point of $19, this is clearly the most expensive distributor in the market today, particularly as shipping isn’t even included in the price.

What other books has she written?

Erin Napier has authored multiple books over the years, ranging from titles like Hometown, I Live in Laurel, The Map of Good Memories, Make Something Good, to a Southernmost Journey.

Judging from the names of her books alone, we can tell that most of her published works are directly tied to her exploits as a home designer.

We should point out that Erin has co-authored some of her work with her husband, Ben Napier. This shouldn’t take away from the success that she has enjoyed as a writer.

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