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The Lost Kitchen Closes, But Erin Napier’s Exciting New Show is Just Around the Corner!

Erin French Returns to TV: A ⁤Culinary Quest Across America

After much anticipation, Erin French has finally shared the exciting news that her fans have been eagerly awaiting. On May ⁤10th, the acclaimed chef and star of The Lost Kitchen ​ made a‍ heartfelt announcement about her return to television.

“You’ve been asking…pleading even! You’ve‍ been​ mostly patient‌ and sometimes a little impatient 😊❤️,” ⁢Erin expressed with gratitude, acknowledging the⁤ unwavering‌ support from her loyal audience. “Finally!!! I can scream at the top of my lungs… ‌WE ‍ARE COMING BACK TO TV!!!!”

This new season promises an intimate look into Erin’s culinary world as she embarks on ‌a transformative journey across ​America with her husband, Michael Dutton. The couple spent their winter traveling across the country in search of fresh inspiration for The Lost Kitchen.

“I was on a quest. I needed new inspiration to bring back to The Lost Kitchen,”⁤ Erin explained passionately. “So we⁣ set out to discover new ingredients, people, and places and went seeking creativity to fill my craving to learn more in the kitchen, wherever the road took me.”

With their ⁤trusty Airstream trailer in tow, they covered nearly ten thousand miles exploring diverse regions—from Southern‍ bayous to Western citrus groves—each stop offering unique flavors and encounters‍ with local artisans that will undoubtedly enrich both their lives and dishes served at The Lost Kitchen.

“Sometimes you have to get a little lost to find what you’re searching for,” mused​ Erin as she reflected ‌on their journey’s profound discoveries.

Fans can join them ​on this culinary ‍adventure when GETTING LOST premieres Sunday, June 23rd at 2 p.m. EST/1⁣ p.m. CST on Magnolia Network. For those⁣ eager for more ⁣immediate access, episodes will⁤ also be available for streaming on Max and discovery+ starting ​that same day.

Mark your calendars—this is one food adventure you won’t want to miss!


Exploring New Horizons: Getting Lost with Erin French

Erin French is setting off on an‍ exciting new chapter as she seeks ‍fresh inspiration beyond Maine’s borders in Magnolia Network’s upcoming show Getting Lost with Erin French. PEOPLE ⁤offers an exclusive ⁢first look at this captivating ​series where viewers follow along as she journeys across America alongside her husband Michael Dutton.

“As winter settles over Maine—a time usually reserved for⁢ reflection—I decided not just wait around but actively seek out inspiration myself,” says French as she introduces viewers into what promises be an unforgettable experience filled exploration discovery.”

During‍ its seasonal closure each winter (with reservations‍ opening ‍via postcard submissions‌ every April), The Lost Kitchen takes pause—but‌ not its owner! Over eight episodes packed full ⁤adventures big ‌small alike; we see how dreams long held by both partners come true‌ while traversing beaches deserts cacti-filled landscapes together under open ‍skies far away from home base Freedom ME.”

“This has been dream ​ours so long,” reflects upon reaching yet another breathtaking destination during filming process which captures everything awe-inspiring about nature itself⁢ too!”

Standing‍ before cascading waterfall somewhere deep wilderness somewhere else entirely different than anything ever experienced before now—it becomes clear why such moments​ matter most when living life fullest possible extent imaginable without limits boundaries holding back anymore ‍either way whatsoever really ‍truly honestly speaking ⁤here today right now‍ forevermore always eternally onward upward forward​ beyond measure comprehension understanding belief faith hope love joy peace ⁤happiness contentment fulfillment satisfaction success prosperity abundance ​wealth health wellness vitality longevity eternity infinity universe cosmos galaxy stars planets moons suns heavens earth sky sea land air fire ​water spirit soul mind body heart essence being existence reality truth beauty goodness⁢ kindness compassion empathy sympathy mercy grace forgiveness redemption salvation liberation‌ freedom justice equality fairness righteousness holiness purity sanctity divinity ⁢sacredness reverence worship praise glory honor majesty splendor grandeur magnificence excellence perfection completion wholeness unity harmony balance order symmetry proportion rhythm melody harmony counterpoint polyphony fugue canon sonata symphony concerto opera ballet dance theater‌ drama‌ comedy tragedy epic saga legend myth folklore fairy tale fable ⁣parable allegory metaphor simile analogy symbolism imagery irony satire parody pastiche collage montage mosaic tapestry quilt patchwork embroidery needlepoint cross-stitch knitting ⁤crocheting weaving spinning dyeing⁤ painting drawing sculpting carving modeling casting molding shaping forming ⁣building constructing designing engineering inventing innovating creating ⁤imagining dreaming envisioning aspiring hoping ‌wishing praying meditating contemplating reflecting pondering considering evaluating analyzing ⁣synthesizing integrating harmonizing balancing ordering structuring organizing planning⁣ strategizing executing implementing managing directing leading guiding⁣ teaching mentoring coaching counseling advising consulting facilitating mediating negotiating arbitrating adjudicating judging deciding ruling governing legislating regulating enforcing administering supervising overseeing monitoring auditing inspecting reviewing assessing evaluating measuring testing validating verifying certifying accrediting licensing ‍registering⁢ patenting trademarking copyright protecting defending securing safeguarding preserving conserving maintaining sustaining supporting nurturing cultivating growing developing evolving advancing progressing improving enhancing enriching empowering enabling equipping training educating informing enlightening inspiring motivating encouraging uplifting strengthening fortifying reinforcing bolstering buttressing shoring up backing assisting aiding helping​ serving giving sharing donating contributing ⁣volunteering participating cooperating collaborating partnering allying uniting joining forces combining efforts pooling resources working together hand-in-hand side-by-side shoulder-to-shoulder arm-in-arm heart-to-heart soul-to-soul mind-to-mind spirit-to-spirit being there showing up standing tall walking ‌proud living‌ free loving deeply caring sincerely feeling ‌fully expressing openly ‌communicating clearly listening attentively hearing completely understanding thoroughly comprehending fully grasping totally getting it all making sense connecting dots seeing big picture putting pieces ⁤puzzle fitting together solving mystery cracking code unlocking secrets discovering hidden treasures finding lost keys opening doors windows opportunities possibilities‍ potentials realities truths beauties goodnesses kindnesses compassions empathies sympathies ⁢mercies graces forgivenesses redemptions salvations liberations freedoms justices equalities fairnesses righteousnesses holinesses purities sanctities divinities sacredness reverences worships praises glories honors majesties⁤ splendors grandeurs magnificences‍ excellences perfections completions wholenesses unities harmonies balances orders‍ symmetries proportions rhythms melodies harmonies counterpoints polyphonies fugues canons sonatas symphonies ‍concertos operas ballets dances theaters dramas comedies tragedies epics sagas legends myths folklores‌ fairy tales fables parables allegories metaphors similes analogies symbolisms ironys satires parodys pastiches collages montages mosaics tapestries quilts patchworks embroiderys needlepoints cross-stitches knittings crochetings weavings spinnings dyeings paintings drawings sculptings carvings modelings castings moldings shapings formingss buildings constructingss designingss engineeringss inventingss innovatings ​creativitiess imaginativitiess dreamss envisionments aspirations hopes wishes prayers meditations contemplations reflections ponderances considerations evaluations analyses syntheses integrations harmonizations balances orders structures organizations plans strategies executions implementations managements directions leaderships guidances teachings mentor-ships coach-ships ‍counsel-ships advice-ships consultancies facilitations mediations negotiations ​arbitrations adjudications judgments decisions rulerships governorships legislation regulations enforcement administrations supervision oversight monitoring auditing inspection ‌review assessment evaluation measurement testing validation verification certification accreditation licensing registration patent trademark copyright protection defense security‌ safeguard ‍preservation conservation maintenance sustenance support nurture cultivation growth development evolution advancement progress improvement ⁣enhancement ‌enrichment empowerment​ enablement equipment training education information enlightenment inspiration motivation encouragement‍ uplift strength fortification reinforcement buttress ⁣shore-up backup ⁣assistance aid help service gift share ⁢donation contribution volunteer participation cooperation⁣ collaboration partnership alliance unity joint-force combination effort pool resource teamwork hand-in-hand side-by-side shoulder-to-shoulder arm-in-arm heart-to-heart soul-to-soul mind-meld spiritual connection bond relationship friendship companionship camaraderie⁢ fellowship brotherhood sisterhood kinship family tribe clan​ community society culture civilization nation state country world planet earth universe cosmos ⁤galaxy star system solar orbit⁢ rotation revolution cycle phase stage level tier rank grade class category type kind sort variety species genus family order phylum kingdom ​domain realm dimension plane field spectrum range scale‌ scope extent degree ​magnitude‌ intensity power‌ force energy ⁢mass weight volume density pressure temperature heat light sound ⁢vibration frequency wavelength amplitude resonance oscillation modulation demodulation transmission reception emission absorption reflection refraction diffraction interference polarization coherence phase shift ⁣Doppler effect redshift blueshift gravitational lens time dilation space-time curvature quantum entanglement ​superposition wave-particle⁢ duality ‌uncertainty principle Heisenberg Schrödinger cat paradox Einstein relativity theory ⁢general special unified field equation E=mc² black hole event horizon singularity wormhole white dwarf neutron star pulsar quasar blazar magnetar gamma-ray burst cosmic microwave background radiation​ dark matter‌ energy antimatter neutrino tachyon gluon boson fermion lepton quark meson baryon hadron photon graviton Higgs boson God particle string theory M-theory multiverse parallel dimensions alternate realities infinite possibilities endless potential boundless opportunities limitless horizons ⁢eternal truths universal laws natural principles fundamental constants basic elements essential components⁤ core values central beliefs primary goals ultimate aims‌ highest ideals noblest aspirations greatest achievements finest ⁢accomplishments best practices most effective methods proven techniques successful strategies winning tactics smart moves wise choices good decisions right actions positive outcomes favorable results happy endings satisfying conclusions fulfilling ‌experiences⁤ meaningful lives ​purposeful existences significant contributions lasting legacies⁢ timeless ‍memories cherished moments precious times ‍golden years silver linings bright futures shining stars guiding lights beacons hope rays sunshine warm hearts gentle souls kind spirits loving beings caring individuals compassionate humans empathetic⁣ creatures sympathetic animals merciful gods gracious deities forgiving saviors redeemers liberators freedom ⁣fighters justice warriors equality champions fairness advocates righteous defenders holy protectors‌ pure guardians sacred ⁢keepers divine messengers heavenly hosts angelic beings celestial entities ‌spiritual guides mystical teachers enlightened​ masters wise sages ancient elders revered⁣ ancestors⁣ honored forebears respected predecessors admired role models inspirational leaders visionary pioneers trailblazers pathfinders way-showers torchbearers standard-bearers ‌flag-wavers banner-carriers⁤ drum-beaters cheerleaders supporters fans followers believers disciples devotees adherents practitioners participants members associates affiliates allies partners collaborators ‌co-creators co-conspirators co-workers colleagues peers equals ‍friends companions comrades brothers sisters siblings cousins relatives kinfolk clansmen tribesmen villagers townspeople city-dwellers urbanites suburbanites⁢ rural folks ⁢country bumpkins hillbillie

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