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BRENÉ BROWN’S guide to healing and finding true BELONGING


It’s undeniable – humans are inherently social creatures.

From the earliest days of our existence, we recognized the power of unity, discovering the myriad benefits of coming together to pursue common objectives: survival, growth, and knowledge sharing. These bonds of belonging became ingrained in our collective consciousness, enduring long after the primal need for group survival waned. Yet, despite our deep-rooted yearning for acceptance and connection, many struggle to find and extend acceptance in today’s world.

“Belonging is being part of something bigger than yourself. But it’s also the courage to stand alone, and to belong to yourself above all else.” – Dr. Brené Brown.

Five reasons why Brené Brown is the person we all needed to hear from in 2020

In this special rewind episode of The School of Greatness, I welcome a guest who needs no introduction – Dr. Brené Brown. Renowned for her groundbreaking work in the realm of emotional well-being, Dr. Brown has earned a prominent place in the hearts and minds of millions worldwide.

Through her insightful research and engaging presentations, Dr. Brown challenges societal norms and inspires individuals to embrace vulnerability and authenticity. Her message resonates deeply with those seeking to navigate the complexities of human connection and find their place in a world often marked by loneliness and isolation.

Join me as we revisit this enlightening conversation with Dr. Brené Brown, a true pioneer in the pursuit of genuine connection and belonging.

Who is Dr. Brené Brown?

Dr. Brené Brown delves deep into the realm of shame, vulnerability, and loneliness, topics often brushed aside due to their uncomfortable nature. Yet, these emotions lie at the heart of humanity’s struggles today, affecting us all at some point in our lives.

As a research professor at the University of Houston graduate school, Dr. Brown observed how people grappled with shame and isolation, often resorting to ineffective coping mechanisms that only exacerbated their struggles. Recognizing the need for open dialogue, she fearlessly tackled these issues head-on.

In 2010, Dr. Brown’s TED Talk on vulnerability, titled “The Power of Vulnerability,” catapulted her message onto the global stage, garnering over 57 million views on and YouTube alone. Her subsequent TED talk, “Listening to Shame,” further expanded her reach, resonating with millions worldwide.

Since then, Dr. Brown’s influence has only grown. From sharing insights on Super Soul Sunday with Oprah Winfrey to addressing high-profile events, she has become a sought-after speaker and author. Her books, including the New York Times Bestseller “Daring Greatly,” have empowered countless individuals to embrace courage and authenticity.

With her Netflix documentary, “Brené Brown: The Call to Courage,” and her upcoming podcast, “Unlocking Us,” Dr. Brown continues to ignite conversations about the importance of vulnerability, resilience, and belonging. Despite the discomfort they may evoke, these topics are essential for fostering genuine connection and personal growth.

Dr. Brown’s unwavering commitment to addressing the complexities of human emotion has earned her widespread acclaim, making her a beacon of wisdom and inspiration for all seeking to navigate life’s challenges with courage and compassion.

The Opposite of Belonging Is Fitting In

Dr. Brené Brown’s insights into belonging shed light on the intricate dance between fitting in and true belonging. Even the most confident individuals have likely experienced moments of yearning to fit in, to feel accepted and valued by a group. I vividly recall my desire to belong during my early days on sports teams, longing to be liked and respected by my peers.

Yet, as Dr. Brown astutely observes, true belonging encompasses more than mere conformity. It requires the courage to stand firm in one’s authenticity, even if it means standing alone. Belonging, in essence, means being part of something greater while remaining true to oneself above all else.

In this context, fitting in takes on a different hue. It involves molding oneself to meet others’ expectations and sacrificing authenticity in the process. The moment we morph into someone else’s ideal to secure acceptance, we forfeit our sense of belonging altogether.

Many of us can relate to the experience of being social chameleons, adapting our behaviors and personalities to suit different environments. While adaptability can be a valuable trait, it becomes problematic when driven solely by the desire for approval. When our primary goal is to win others’ favor at the expense of our true selves, we betray our authenticity.

Ultimately, Dr. Brown reminds us that true belonging stems from embracing our uniqueness and standing tall in our individuality. It’s about finding our place in the world without compromising our integrity and fostering genuine connections based on mutual respect and acceptance.

Raising Kids Who Know How to Ask for Help

Dr. Brené Brown’s reflections on childhood shed light on the challenges young individuals face in developing a secure sense of self. Growing up can be particularly tough as children navigate societal expectations and familial dynamics that often dictate who they should be and how they should behave.

In recounting her upbringing, Dr. Brown describes her family as “lock-and-load,” instilled with the ethos of suppressing vulnerability and soldiering through emotions like sadness or anger without acknowledgment. This approach passed down through generations, perpetuates a cycle of avoidance, where weaknesses are ignored rather than addressed.

Breaking free from this cycle necessitates a willingness to embrace change and vulnerability. Dr. Brown underscores the difficulty in engaging parents who resist evolving their parenting styles, viewing any deviation from tradition as a critique of their upbringing.

However, Dr. Brown emphasizes that most parents are not intentionally shaming their children. Rather, they are doing their best with the tools and knowledge available to them. Yet, societal taboos surrounding vulnerability and shame make it challenging to depart from conventional parenting norms.

In Dr. Brown’s view, the hallmark of successful parenting lies in fostering a safe environment where children feel empowered to seek help when needed. She contends that raising a child who can openly ask for assistance is an invaluable achievement, promoting resilience and emotional intelligence.

Reflecting on her journey, the speaker acknowledges her hesitancy to seek help as a child but celebrates her growth in learning to do so as an adult. This personal evolution serves as a testament to the transformative power of vulnerability and the importance of fostering environments where individuals feel comfortable seeking support.

Men, Vulnerability, and Courage

The narrative you’ve shared about your experiences as a boy resonates deeply with the struggles many men face in embracing vulnerability. From childhood, societal norms often discourage boys and men from expressing their emotions openly, reinforcing the notion that vulnerability equates to weakness.

Your story reflects the common journey of seeking validation through external achievements and the subsequent realization that such accomplishments fail to fill the void left by unaddressed emotions. This pattern underscores the importance of acknowledging and accepting vulnerability as an integral part of the human experience.

Dr. Brené Brown’s observations on men’s reluctance to engage with vulnerability highlight a pervasive cultural narrative that associates strength with stoicism and emotional suppression. However, she reframes courage as inherently intertwined with vulnerability, challenging the misconception that vulnerability is a sign of weakness.

By encouraging men to embrace vulnerability as a courageous act of authenticity, Dr. Brown offers a profound shift in perspective. She acknowledges the societal pressure men face to avoid vulnerability and advocates for a paradigm where vulnerability is celebrated as a demonstration of strength rather than condemned as a character flaw.

Her message resonates with the universal longing for genuine connection and acceptance, affirming that vulnerability is not only a pathway to deeper connections but also a fundamental aspect of courage. In her vision, vulnerability becomes a powerful force for breaking down barriers and fostering genuine human connection.

Dr. Brown’s call for men to “show up, authentically” underscores the transformative potential of vulnerability in cultivating meaningful relationships and addressing the pervasive loneliness many men experience. It’s a poignant reminder that true strength lies not in the absence of vulnerability but in the willingness to embrace it wholeheartedly.

Why You Should Listen Right Now

Your reflection on the impact of the interview with Dr. Brené Brown speaks to the profound transformation that vulnerability can facilitate in our lives. By courageously sharing your own story and embracing vulnerability, you have not only liberated yourself from the burden of shame but also empowered others to confront their struggles with courage and compassion.

Dr. Brown’s insight into shame offers a powerful framework for navigating its complexities and reclaiming agency over our narratives. The dichotomy she presents—between owning our stories and allowing them to control us—underscores the transformative power of self-acceptance and empathy in transcending shame.

Your journey exemplifies the resilience that emerges from confronting shame with honesty and compassion. Through self-reflection and courageous storytelling, you have dismantled the barriers that shame erects and paved the way for healing and growth.

By inviting others to listen to Dr. Brown’s wisdom and embark on their journeys of self-discovery, you extend a beacon of hope and solidarity to those grappling with shame and vulnerability. Your message of empathy and encouragement reaffirms the inherent worth and dignity of every individual, reminding us that we are not defined by our past experiences but by our capacity for growth and resilience.

Thank you for sharing your story and inspiring others to embrace vulnerability as a pathway to healing and self-discovery. Your courage and compassion serve as a testament to the transformative power of authenticity and empathy.



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