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Alaskan Bush People Cast Matt Brown Had Trouble Filing Taxes.

Image of Alaskan Bush People cast, Matt Brown

Matt Brown is a TV personality who once worked on the Discovery Channel alongside the rest of his family. He is the eldest of seven siblings, all of whom grew up in the Copper River area. For a while, Matt and the rest of his family lived entirely off the grid, far removed from any comforts we are used to.

Aside from appearing on television, Matt has additionally built a significant following on Instagram, where he has over 224,000 followers. One day ago, he decided to update his followers on how he was doing.

What has Matt Brown been up to lately?

In his latest post, Matt Brown revealed that he has been enjoying some quiet time at the Orchid. If that’s not impressive enough, his property even has a great mountain view.

Matt went on to add that he had taken the past few days to himself to deal with a few issues he’d been having. Taking time off the internet helped him destress, think about his problems, and come up with possible solutions.

Building on this desire, Matt also decided to set up his own garden in his backyard. One of his neighbors provided him with a few starter plants like tomatoes and bell peppers, which he has already planted.


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Matt Brown’s legal issues

Brown is no stranger to controversy. A long struggle with alcohol and drugs led to a falling out with his family. Moreover, he also faced serious assault allegations that threatened to land him in jail.

Matt eventually managed to turn his life around, getting into rehab and cleaning up his act. Over the years, he’d use his Instagram account to keep fans updated on his current health condition and mental well-being.

His most recent Instagram post, however, seems to suggest that his legal issues might not be entirely behind him. Since he got a job at the orchid, Matt has been trying to live on the straight and arrow.

He thought that he had been filing his taxes and paperwork accurately, that is, until a few issues started popping up. After a trip to the dentist to get his cavity fixed, Matt had to fill out a medical insurance form.

This is when he’d realize that he was missing several items in his paperwork. These ranged from his timecards at work to proof of income spreadsheets.

If that wasn’t bad enough, Matt also came to the realization that he had not been filling out his tax forms accurately. This is a serious issue that could land him in trouble with the IRS if not resolved promptly.

Image of Matt Brown.
Alaskan Bush People Cast Matt Brown

How is he working through these issues?

Because of his mistakes in his forms, Matt Brown had to throw the entire book out of the window and start from scratch. He decided to look through each document much more keenly and fill everything out again.

Rather than dwell on his frustration and anxiety, Matt Brown used his failures as a teaching moment.

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